What role does the area currently have in the curriculum? Are there benefits of Physical Education? Is it given importance in other subjects? Does it have a future in a society where there is an increasing tendency towards technical learning oriented towards an increasingly competitive labor market?

We can ask ourselves a number of questions in order to reflect on this subject, the answers to which are quite obvious if we analyze all the benefits it brings to young people.

colpbol in physical education

Role of this subject in sports centers

It is considered a mandatory area, but still with insufficient and scarce hours of practice per week.

Today, part of society still considers it "gymnastics". Perhaps this is due to the fact that this subject is still part of a conservative approach anchored in a hygienist conception.

It is not an easy task to get rid of the social clichés that weigh down its approach. This would mean giving the area new approaches that would clash head-on with the sports-oriented conception of it.

Through the benefits of Physical Education, young people can express their creativity and spontaneity, valuing themselves and others.

Therefore, the variety and experience of the different activities in play, recreation and sports is essential to implement them continuously, either in class or through playful-pedagogical projects.

At present, the true importance of the benefits of Physical Education in the health of young people is still unknown.

Because it, like other disciplines of knowledge, through movement, also contributes to the process of integral formation of the human being for personal and social benefit and conservation of their own culture.

If this subject is structured as a pedagogical and permanent process, solid foundations can be laid that will allow the integration and socialization that will guarantee continuity for the development and specialization of sports in their future life.

These are the benefits of Physical Education

Among the benefits of physical education are that it prepares children to be physically and mentally active, enables them to become physically fit and maintain healthy lifelong lifestyles.

The following are some of the benefits of Physical Education

goubak in physical education
  • Improves physical condition.
  • It works on basic motor skills.
  • Increases academic performance in all other areas of the curriculum.
  • It provides regular and healthy physical activity, although scarce in the current curriculum.
  • It instills values such as respect, self-improvement, companionship, teamwork...
  • Facilitates the development of student responsibility for health and fitness.
  • Influences moral development.
  • It helps to reduce stress and release tension from theory classes.
  • Encourages relationships among peers.
  • It improves self-confidence and increases self-esteem.
  • Encourages respect for the material and for others.
  • Stimulates hygiene and health.
  • Collaborates in the development of an adequate growth.
  • It favors the construction of the personality.
  • Supports the integration of habits, skills and abilities.
  • Provide activities that take place in contact with nature.
  • (...)


A myriad of benefits of Physical Education

We could go on with an endless list of benefits of Physical Education. It helps us to transmit every day to our young people.

Physical education helps to improve interpersonal and group relationships; because it is essential to have a well oriented physical exercise that helps to achieve a harmonious development, to improve posture, walking, etc.

datchball in physical education


"With physical education, interpersonal and group relations are improved"; "because it is essential to have a well-oriented physical exercise that helps to achieve a harmonious development, to improve posture, walking, etc.".

"Improves through physical activities, basic motor skills for the development of physical growth processes-knowledge, personality and social interactions."