Benefits of Training with the Pilates Reformer Machine

Description of the benefits of using the Pilates reformer machine in the training of healthy individuals or those with pathologies.

✎ Autor:  Andoni Sánchez Pérez

This article aims to describe the reformer machine used in Pilates and all the benefits associated with this discipline.

The reformer machine is one of the most well-known machines of the Pilates method, and its main feature is that it adds resistance to the exercises and allows the body to be placed in a comfortable position without bearing weight (1).

Due to this, many people use this machine to perform guided physical exercise in numerous specialized sports centers. But what does science say about the reformer machine?

What is the reformer machine?

The reformer machine is one of the machines with which we can perform Pilates exercises. This machine incorporates some springs that increase the resistance of the exercises that in Pilates MAT are performed without load.

What is a reformer machine like?

The following parts of a reformer machine are distinguished (2):

Pilates reformer machine
Parts of a Pilates reformer machine. (Bonpilates)
  1. Carriage or base: it is the movable base on which the person sits or lies down to perform the exercises.
  2. Resistance springs: attached to the carriage are various springs that can be placed to make the exercise more resistant.
  3. Foot bar: it is an adjustable bar on which to rest the feet and perform different exercises.
  4. Ropes: traction ropes used to hold with the hands and carry out upper body exercises.
  5. Elevators: it is possible to adjust the height of the ropes depending on the exercise to be performed. These modifications allow for decreasing resistance or increasing the range of motion.

Benefits of training with the reformer machine

The Pilates reformer machine allows performing exercises following the basic principles that Joseph Pilates established in his method: concentration, control, center, fluidity, precision, and breathing.

Scientific literature has studied the effects of training with the Pilates reformer machine for the following purposes and/or groups of people:

Changes in body composition

A. Uzun and B. Demir (2020) compared the effects of a training program with the reformer machine and Pilates MAT in sedentary women over 8 weeks (2 sessions of 60 mins. per week) (3)

The results of this research showed that training with the reformer was more effective in improving body composition and body folds, especially in the lower body.

Vaquero-Cristóbal et al. (2016) expressed similar findings when they investigated the effects of reformer Pilates training on anthropometry and body composition in adult women after a short period of inactivity (4).

The results also showed positive effects on body composition after 16 weeks of training with a frequency of 2 sessions per week.

exercise with Pilates reformer
Woman doing Pilates on a reformer

Flexibility, heart rate, and glucose levels

Suna G. & Isildak K. (2020) investigated the effects of Pilates reformer training on flexibility, heart rate, and glucose levels in sedentary women after 8 weeks (5).

The training they conducted had an intensity of 40-60% load, 3 days a week in 60-minute sessions.

The results showed that the participants significantly improved their body weight, resting heart rate, and flexibility. However, glucose levels did not vary from the start.

For all these reasons, it is concluded that regular exercise with the reformer accelerates weight loss and improves flexibility and heart rate in sedentary women.

Women with postpartum abdominal diastasis

Bom-Fim F.C. et al. (2018) investigated the effects of a Pilates program that included exercises with the reformer machine in women with post-gestational abdominal diastasis of 8 months (6).

The study’s result yielded a firm conclusion: MAT and reformer Pilates training is effective in reducing postpartum abdominal diastasis.

pregnant Pilates reformer

Multiple sclerosis

Sánchez García E. (2018) conducted a review of scientific literature to verify the effects of MAT and reformer Pilates therapy in people with multiple sclerosis (7).

The study concluded that performing a Pilates exercise program, including the reformer machine, is effective and shows benefits at the physical, cognitive, and quality of life levels for people with multiple sclerosis.

Older adults

De Siqueira Rodrigues B.G. et al. (2010) investigated the effects of a Pilates machine exercise program on personal autonomy, static balance, and quality of life in elderly women (8).

The researchers concluded that the Pilates method with machines improves personal autonomy and static balance in older adults.

However, more research with long intervention periods is needed to see its effects on improving quality of life.

Chronic low back pain

Lin H.T. et al. (2016) conducted a systematic review of scientific articles studying the effects of Pilates training (MAT and Reformer) in people with chronic low back pain (9).

The authors concluded that people with chronic low back pain significantly reduced their pain and improved their functionality. However, these benefits were also achieved by performing other types of physical activities.

Pilates reformer

Lumbar spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis

Grimes A. (2018) conducted an intervention with a clinical case of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis to verify the effects that reformer Pilates training could have on people with this pathology (10).

In the absence of research in this field and taking as a reference the evidence on reformer Pilates in people with chronic low back pain, this researcher initiated the study in a case with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis of a 63-year-old man.

The result after the intervention was an increase in core strength and a general decrease in perceived pain levels.

Training with the reformer machine

Training with the Pilates reformer method is undoubtedly a conscious step towards muscle development, better posture, reduced stress levels, and moving away from a sedentary lifestyle (1).

Below is a sample of a reformer Pilates session for beginners:

Reformer session
Reformer Pilates session for beginners. (Own elaboration with images from Herman, 2019)

Which Pilates reformer machine to buy?

Without a doubt, this machine is an ideal reformer machine to perform all the exercises mentioned and will allow you great versatility in your workouts.

Align-Pilates C2 Pro - Máquina de Entrenamiento de Pilates
9.4/10Nuestra puntuación
  • Calidad profesional: Reforzador de pilates para el uso como dispositivo de estudio o para el hogar, sucesor del C1 Pro Pilates Reformer.
  • Mejorado: funcionamiento silencioso gracias a las ruedas de plástico autolubricantes, el trineo anodizado y autocentrante y el sistema patentado Silent -Pulleys, 6 cm más de recorrido de muelle para trabajar con un rango de 106,5 cm en la misma superficie que la C1 Pro, menos esfuerzo de mantenimiento y limpieza.
  • Comodidad: soporte de cuerda ajustable en 7 posiciones, ajuste rápido simultáneo de la cuerda, acolchado para el hombro desmontable y bloqueable, pies regulables, 4 posiciones de reposapiés ajustables y reposacabezas ajustable en 3 posiciones.


  • Training with the reformer machine is an effective method for:
    • Changing body composition, that is, increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat percentage, in sedentary people.
    • Improving resting heart rate and flexibility in sedentary women.
    • Reducing postpartum abdominal diastasis.
    • Improving the physical and cognitive level of people with multiple sclerosis.
    • Increasing personal autonomy and static balance in older adults.
    • Reducing pain and increasing functionality in people with chronic low back pain.
    • Decreasing pain and increasing core muscle strength in people with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis.
  • For practitioners to obtain all possible benefits, they must go to qualified professionals in the sports sector who supervise the exercises and their technique.
  • More research is needed in other clinical and more heterogeneous areas since most studies only have female participants.

Bibliographic references

    1. De Lima Araujo, F. L. (2017). The Pilates Reformer technique and body posture (Bachelor’s thesis, PUCE).
    2. Herman, E. (2019). Pilates reformer. Paidotribo.
    3. Uzun, A., & Demir, B. (2020). Effect of Pilates and Reformer Exercises on Body Composition. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 9(10), 148-156. Link.
    4. Vaquero-Cristóbal, R., Alacid, F., Esparza-Ros, F., López-Plaza, D., Muyor, J. M., & López-Miñarro, P. A. (2016). The effects of a reformer Pilates program on body composition and morphological characteristics in active women after a detraining period. Women & health, 56(7), 784-806.
    5. Suna, G., & Isildak, K. (2020). Investigation of the Effect of 8-Week Reformer Pilates Exercise on Flexibility, Heart Rate and Glucose Levels in Sedentary Women. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 6(2), 226-230.
    6. Bom-Fim, F. C. (2018). Efeito do método pilates no tratamento de mulheres com diástase do músculo reto abdominal. Biblioteca Digital de TCC-UniAmérica, 1-24.
    7. Sánchez García, E. (2018). Efectos del Pilates clínico en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple.
    8. de Siqueira Rodrigues, B. G., Cader, S. A., Torres, N. V. O. B., de Oliveira, E. M., & Dantas, E. H. M. (2010). Pilates method in personal autonomy, static balance and quality of life of elderly females. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 14(2), 195-202.
    9. Lin, H. T., Hung, W. C., Hung, J. L., Wu, P. S., Liaw, L. J., & Chang, J. H. (2016). Effects of Pilates on patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review. Journal of physical therapy science, 28(10), 2961-2969. Link.
    10. Grimes, A. (2018). The Effect of the Pilates Reformer in a Lumbar Spondylolisthe

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