In this article, we analyze what VAM is or the minimum speed at which an athlete reaches their VO2max.
The relentless need of humans to measure and control everything has led new technologies to take over the sports world.
The management of the main physiological parameters has become essential for coaches in almost all sports disciplines to achieve better marks and results. Heart rate monitors, GPS, effort tests, motion sensors are omnipresent in sports for sports analysis in both individual and team sports.
In the following article, we will try to analyze what VAM (maximum aerobic speed) is, an interesting parameter for endurance sports. We will explain how it can be obtained and what it is used for.
What is VAM or maximum aerobic speed?
It is a marker that indicates the minimum speed at which an athlete reaches their maximum oxygen consumption (VO2MAX). It is a parameter that becomes especially important in endurance sports.
This data will depend on multiple factors such as genetics and the level of training (1).
VAM, or Maximum Aerobic Value, is a concept used in the field of sports and physical activity to measure an individual’s aerobic capacity. This measure is based on the ascent speed on a constant slope and its relationship with maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max). In short, VAM is a way to evaluate endurance and efficiency in sports practice.
What is the purpose of knowing VAM?
Knowing at what speed the athlete is using their aerobic metabolism to the fullest is the main reason why coaches and researchers consider it an important physiological parameter.
This speed is used to plan, control, and establish loads in a more optimal way within the training process (1).
It also allows us to relate it to other markers such as heart rate, watts… with this, we will be able to know if the athlete improves their efficiency, as we mainly seek to increase speed and delay the appearance of our VO2MAX as long as possible.
Once the athlete has reached that limit, they will endure for about six minutes (2).
Therefore, we are facing a meter that can also indicate the predisposition towards sports practice of young talents.
How to obtain VAM?
The measurement of VAM can be obtained through laboratory tests and field tests. The greatest accuracy is found in the laboratory through an effort test with a gas analyzer, this would be ideal but is not within reach of all athletes/coaches.
For this reason, numerous field tests have been devised with sufficient precision to use this parameter within the training process. Among the most used tests, we highlight three:
- Course Navette Test (4): It is the most widely used test among exercise science professionals, aiming to predict maximum oxygen consumption and is a low-cost protocol, easy to apply, and allows measuring a good number of athletes at the same time. Despite all this, this test underestimates VAM because the subject is forced to stop, turn, and start in the opposite direction, which is why Cazorla and Leger proposed using a correction table to estimate VAM from the same test (5).
- Six-minute test: It involves covering the greatest possible distance during that fixed time, maintaining a constant speed. Finally, the distance covered will be divided by one hundred, and the result will be your VAM.
- Two-kilometer test (3). Perhaps this last one is the most suitable, the average speed reached during that distance would be the best indicator of VAM, although it seems obvious that this protocol will be reserved for athletes with relative experience in managing effort during the 7-10 minutes the test may last.
How to apply VAM within a training program?
As we mentioned earlier, controlling numerous parameters within physical exercise allows coaches to relate data and be more specific in programming and distributing workloads.
Distance, time, cadence, pace, watts, pulse, sensations of the athlete are some of the best known.
Once the parameter is known, the calculation of work percentages on that figure will be used, and the different intensity zones will be broken down.
Once we have the data, what remains is to program, distribute, and execute the intensities established by each coach. For this, we will differentiate three load zones (7):
- Aerobic efficiency: This corresponds to an intensity between 65% and 85% of VAM, which can be developed through long, medium, or short continuous running depending on the level of training.
- Aerobic capacity: It extends from 85% to 100% of VAM. In this case, to enhance it, the ideal would be to use an extensive interval method.
- Aerobic power: This last one refers to intensities higher than VAM, where the effort is almost certainly anaerobic. For the development of power, we would highlight the intensive interval method.
Benefits of training with VAM
Incorporating VAM into your training routine can provide you with a wide range of benefits for your sports performance and overall health. Here are some of the main ones:
- Improves cardiovascular endurance: By training with VAM, you will constantly challenge your aerobic capacity, which will help you increase your cardiovascular endurance and optimize the supply of oxygen to your muscles during exercise.
- Increases energy efficiency: VAM allows you to find your optimal training pace, helping you maximize performance and efficiently use your energy resources.
- Increases recovery capacity: By training with VAM, you will be strengthening both your cardiovascular and respiratory systems, allowing you to recover more quickly after intense activity.
- Boosts fat burning: Training with VAM has been shown to be effective in stimulating metabolism and promoting fat burning, which can be beneficial for those looking to lose weight or improve body composition.
- Stimulates motivation and personal achievement: By setting goals and constantly challenging your aerobic capacity, training with VAM gives you a sense of achievement and personal improvement, which can increase your motivation and commitment to your training plan.
How to incorporate VAM into your training routine
Now that you know the benefits of training with VAM, it’s time to discover how you can implement it into your daily routine. Here are some practical tips to get started:
- Consult with a professional: Before starting any training program with VAM, it is important to consult with a health professional or certified personal trainer to provide you with the appropriate guidance and design a plan according to your needs and capabilities.
- Set realistic goals: Clearly and realistically define your training goals. Set achievable short- and long-term objectives that motivate you to keep going.
- Vary exercise intensity: To get the best results, combine high-intensity workouts with active recovery sessions. Alternate between cardiovascular and strength exercises to work on different aspects of your physical condition.
- Monitor your progress: Keep a record of your workouts, including data such as distance covered, time, heart rate, and sensations. This will allow you to evaluate your progress over time and make adjustments to your training plan if necessary.
Nutritional recommendations to enhance your training with VAM
In addition to proper training, a balanced and nutritious diet plays a fundamental role in sports performance. Here are some nutritional recommendations to complement your training with VAM:
- Maintain an adequate protein intake to promote muscle recovery and support lean tissue development.
- Prioritize foods rich in quality carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, to obtain sustained energy during your workouts.
- Don’t forget to include healthy fat sources in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, which are essential for cellular health and hormonal function.
- Stay adequately hydrated before, during, and after exercise. Water is essential to maintain a good fluid balance in the body and ensure optimal performance.
Bibliographic references
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