Is Monster Zero energy drink harmful?

Is a sugar-free energy drink, like Monster Zero, harmful? What about its sweeteners? We answer this in the following article.

✎ Autor:  Laura Pérez Naharro

The energy drink or also known as carbonated energy drinks are especially known among the young population. And more and more options are available in the market.

One of them is Monster Zero, which offers a multitude of varieties with and without sugar.

The harmful role attributed to sugary soft drinks, especially energy drinks like Red Bull or Monster, has made any sugar-free or zero energy drink have the same opinion.

However, is Monster Zero harmful to health? What about its sweeteners? Are they safe? Do zero drinks like Monster Zero make you gain weight? We answer it in the following article.

What are the dangers of energy drinks?

In the last decade, the consumption of energy drinks has become very popular among students, active people, and mainly athletes, due to the possible ergogenic effect especially important in athletes during training and competition.

It is important to distinguish between what is a sports drink (isotonic) and an energy drink.

Sports drinks like Gatorade® and Powerade® are made with the aim of replenishing glycogen levels, electrolytes, or ions and to prevent dehydration of athletes during and after physical exercise.

However, the energy drink has been associated with increasing individuals’ energy levels, mental agility, and physical performance during training and competitions (22).

ℹ Monster Zero is the fastest-growing product in the energy drink industry. However, not all are the same. In this section, we focus on the sugary versions. Which were the first to hit the market.

Although it is true that, initially, they were formulated to enhance physical and mental stimulation, using ingredients that boost energy, such as caffeine, taurine, herbal extracts, sugar, and B vitamins, they are therefore considered, in some cases, as functional drinks.

In fact, some of them are formulated to prevent dehydration and provide easily absorbed carbohydrates and electrolytes.

However, the most consumed energy drink currently is the carbonated one with a high sugar and caffeine content, such as Monster. Not meeting the nutritional composition to act as a hydrating drink.

Sugary energy drinks

The consumption of these latter ones is related to caffeine intoxication, a clinical syndrome included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, whose characteristics include restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, diuresis, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle spasms, irregular flow of thought and speech, cardiac arrhythmias, periods of inexhaustibility, and psychomotor agitation.

ℹ Its consumption significantly increases the chances of insomnia, nervousness, and obesity (due to its high caloric and sugar content).

Being its usual consumption purpose, the increase in energy, to relieve fatigue, stay awake, counteract lack of sleep, and academic issues. This means that most consumers who drink Monster Zero energy drinks do not do so for hydration purposes.

What are the components of energy drinks?

Caffeine is often used as an ergogenic substance before performing physical exercises, in order to delay fatigue and, consequently, to improve physical performance in short, medium, and long-duration activities.

On the other hand, Taurine is the main free intracellular amino acid in most mammalian tissues. Up to 75% of Taurine is distributed inside the muscle.

Vitamin B12 can contribute to energy release and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue through its role in the synthesis of new cells (such as blood cells) and in the repair of damaged cells.

Active individuals with low levels of vitamin B12 may have a decreased ability to perform physical exercises at high intensities.

What are sugar-free or zero energy drinks?

Sugar-free energy drinks like Monster Zero are an alternative to the sugary version, free of added sugar and calories (they practically do not provide calories).

The sugar in Monster Zero is replaced by artificial sweeteners, allowing a sweet taste without adding significant calories to the drink. Therefore, they are called zero drinks or Monster Zero. Some of the most used sweeteners are: sucralose, aspartame, and steviol.

sugar-free energy drink

Sugar-free energy drinks like Monster Zero also contain caffeine, B vitamins, amino acids like taurine (which enhances the effect of caffeine) and herbal or plant extracts with stimulating properties like ginseng.

They are designed to provide energy without the sugar load present in classic versions. Their main goal is to improve alertness, provide a temporary energy boost, and increase physical and mental performance.

Agua Carbonatada, Acidulante (Ácido Cítrico), Taurina (0,4%), Corrector de acidez (Citratos de Sodio), Aromas, Extracto de raíz de Panax Ginseng (0,08%), Edulcorantes (Sucralosa, Acesulfame K), Cafeína (0,03%), Conservantes (Ácido Sórbico, Ácido Benzoico), L-Carnitina L-Tartrata (0,015%), Vitaminas (B3, B5, B6, B12), Cloruro sódico, D-Glucoronolactona, Extracto de semilla de guaraná (0,002%), Inositol.

Monster Zero and Monster Classic, what is their nutritional composition?

A classic example of a sugar-free energy drink is the Monster energy drink, so we are going to analyze the composition of Monster Zero and Monster Classic, 500 ml.

Regarding the Monster Zero sugar version, that is, a sugar-free energy drink, as a sweetener it contains sucralose and acesulfame-K. And, practically, it contains no calories, 14 kcal per 500 ml.

In comparison with the Monster Classic energy drink, it contains slightly less caffeine (140 mg).

Ingredients of Monster Zero sugar:

Carbonated water, acidulant (citric acid), taurine (0.4%), acidity regulator (sodium citrate), flavors, panax ginseng root extract (0.08%), sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame k), caffeine (0.03%), preservatives (sorbic acid, benzoic acid), L-carnitine L-tartrate (0.015%), vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12), sodium chloride, D-glucuronolactone, guarana seed extract (0.002%), inositol.

Ingredients of Monster Classic energy drink:

Carbonated water, sucrose, glucose syrup, acidulant (citric acid), flavors, taurine (0.4%), acidity regulator (sodium citrates), panax ginseng root extract (0.08%), L-carnitine, L-tartrate (0.04%), caffeine (0.03%), preservatives (sorbic acid, benzoic acid), colorant (anthocyanins), vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B12), sodium chloride, D-glucuronolactone, guarana seed extract (0.002%), inositol, sweetener (sucralose), maltodextrin.

In the following table, you can see a comparison of the most significant nutrients, as the rest are B vitamins, where the significant contribution of calories and sugar in the Classic version is noted.

The Monster Classic contains 55 g of added sugars.

Per 500 ml

Monster energy drink: Classic

Monster energy drink: Energy Zero

Energy value 235 kcal 14 kcal
Carbohydrates 60 g 4.5 g
of which sugars 55 g 0
Salt 1 g 1 g
Proteins 0 0
Fiber 0 0
Caffeine 160 mg 140 mg

Are the sweeteners in a zero energy drink or a Monster Zero sugar safe?

Non-caloric sweeteners have been and are the subject of debate regarding their safety for human consumption. While there are concerns about their possible carcinogenic potential and their impact on the gut microbiota, the scientific evidence available to date does not support these claims.

High-weight evidence studies have not found a significant association between the consumption of non-caloric sweeteners in humans and an increased risk of cancer (1).

Furthermore, in relation to their negative impact on the gut microbiota, the current narrative suggests that an extremely high consumption would be required, equivalent to about 1400 cans of 33 cl soda, to observe any significant alteration (2).

Neither aspartame nor sucralose cause measurable changes in the gut microbiota or short-chain fatty acid production after 14 days of daily intake of sugar-free energy drinks.

Therefore, based on current science, the non-caloric sweeteners present in any sugar-free energy drink like Monster Zero Sugar, are safe for human consumption.

Monster Zero energy drink

Does Monster Zero make you gain weight?

ℹ It is a misconception to think that sugar-free energy drinks or any zero drinks make us gain weight or body fat, since, by not providing calories, they cannot directly contribute to an increase in fat.

However, this thought may occur as various studies have observed an association between the consumption of sweetened drinks, such as a sugar-free or zero energy drink, and a higher body mass index (BMI), a higher degree of obesity, or a high percentage of body fat.

Therefore, it is very important to interpret this association with caution, especially considering that many people who already suffer from obesity or have excess body fat are regular consumers of these drinks.

It is important to understand that the problem does not lie in the sweetener itself, but in dietary habits and energy balance.

Just like if a person has coffee with saccharin and a chocolate croissant for breakfast every day. The problem is not the sweetener. But there would be an association between saccharin consumption and obesity if the person had excess body fat.

A systematic review and meta-analysis (3) did not find a significant correlation between the consumption of any sugar-free or zero energy drink and weight gain. So, as in many other cases, correlation does not imply causation.

Does Monster Zero increase blood glucose?

Any sugar-free or zero energy drink, like Monster Zero, being composed of sugar substitutes like aspartame and sucralose (artificial sweeteners), cannot increase blood glucose levels because they do not provide sugars or calories.

The following systematic review and meta-analysis (4) evaluated the effect of consuming these artificial non-caloric sweeteners on metabolic parameters related to diabetes and obesity. The results showed that their consumption is not associated with alterations in blood glucose levels.

Therefore, this evidence supports the claim that a sugar-free or zero energy drink, by not presenting calories, sugar, or other macronutrients, is suitable for people who need to control their blood glucose.

blood glucose

Do zero drinks cause an increase in appetite?

The study conducted by Mehat et al. (5) provides a comprehensive view of the effects of consuming non-caloric artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and acesulfame-K, both present in any sugar-free energy drink, and caloric intake and appetite.

Although it is true that these sweeteners have been suggested to contribute to reducing daily caloric intake when replacing sugary versions, there is some concern and debate about whether their sweet taste can activate the sweet receptors on the tongue and thus increase appetite and food intake, especially those rich in energy.

The findings of the mentioned study (5) indicate that the consumption of non-caloric artificial sweeteners, specifically blends of aspartame and acesulfame-K, characteristic of any sugar-free energy drink, like Monster Zero, does not seem to increase caloric intake compared to the consumption of sugar water.

Furthermore, as they contain carbonated water, they usually exert a certain satiating effect, making it difficult to exceed in calories.

Is Monster Zero energy drink harmful?

Ergogenic effects of Monster Zero energy drink

Energy drinks usually have these elements as main ingredients in their composition, making it interesting to investigate how they act when integrated into the same formula.

Some studies observed significant improvements in the aerobic performance of athletes after consuming the energy drink in the following aspects: total increase in exercise time (7,8,9); in cardiorespiratory capacity (VO2max) (8); and in total exercise time (10).

However, other studies did not present significant improvements in total exercise time or VO2max (11).

Studies have also been published revealing some significant improvements in anaerobic performance after ingesting energy drinks in the following aspects: number of sprints (12-14), anaerobic power, running speed, vertical jump height, and decreased time in an agility test (15).

As in the previous section, certain works like those of Astorino et al (16) and Forbes et al (17) did not find significant improvements in total sprint time or anaerobic power, respectively.

Aerobic performance and energy drink

The increase in total time (in a given test) may be related to the presence of carbohydrates, caffeine, and Taurine in the composition of the energy drink.

Caffeine acts on the sarcoplasmic reticulum by increasing its permeability to calcium, accelerating the availability of this mineral in the muscle contraction process. Therefore, it is likely that caffeine may have some influence on the sensitivity of myofibrils to calcium.

On the other hand, taurine supplementation can maintain the concentration of this substrate in skeletal muscles and the total storage capacity of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, thus contributing to muscle contraction (18).

In relation to all this, Candow et al (19) observed that the ingestion of energy drinks does not contribute to the improvement of time to fatigue. According to these authors, a possible explanation for this effect would be the absence of carbohydrates in the energy drink used (sugar-free).

Ivy et al (20) verified a reduction in total time to complete a reference load equal to one hour of cycling, at 70% of the maximum load. The mechanism by which the energy drink improved that performance is not entirely clear.

Muscle endurance, anaerobic power, and energy drink

Some studies indicated that the consumption of energy drinks increased muscle endurance (23) of the upper and lower limbs, in addition to anaerobic power (18).

These results are due to the action of caffeine on the sodium-potassium pump, in order to keep the intracellular medium more concentrated than the extracellular medium, delaying fatigue.

Alfrod et al (21) verified a reduction in sprint time after consuming energy drinks. The authors highlighted that other ingredients, beyond caffeine and Taurine, may be responsible for the performance improvement.

An example could be vitamin B12, which can facilitate mental performance, increasing concentration, and in cases of exhaustion, can restore normal values of B vitamins and gluconolactone, which provides extra energy for physical exercise.

How much caffeine does coffee and other drinks have?

From examine, they have conducted a review showing in an infographic below, the approximate amounts in milligrams (mg) of caffeine in each food or food product.

amount of caffeine in different drinks
Amount of caffeine in different drinks.

As shown in the infographic, the products with the highest caffeine content are energy drinks and sodas, as caffeine has been externally added, that is, supplemented, to reach the desired levels.

Although the values among them are very disparate (from 34mg to 300mg per product), most have sufficient amounts to notice the effects of ingesting this substance.

It is also important to know that the amounts are described per serving of food or food product, so there may be more of one energy drink than another, but with a lower concentration.

For example, one drink may have 100mg of caffeine in 300mL, but another may have 80mg in 150mL of drink. In this way, we must determine what best suits us based on both caffeine and total content amounts.

Furthermore, before drinking a beverage containing caffeine, one should check the mg it contains to adjust its intake to each person’s tolerance since side effects could occur if tolerance levels are exceeded, as with this type of drink it is easy to overdo it without realizing it, potentially having undesired effects.

Below is a general summary of caffeine content in different foods that can give us a global idea according to the consumption unit.


Media por unidad

Contenido de cafeína (mg)

Café espresso 1 carga 100 mg
Café instantáneo 1 carga 80 mg
Té negro 1 taza 50 mg
Té verde 1 taza 25 mg
Bebidas tipo cola 1 lata 34 mg
Bebidas energéticas 1 lata 76-165 mg
Cacao 10 g 8-16 mg
Table 1. Approximate caffeine content in different food sources


The results presented in this article suggest that energy drinks can generate a possible improvement in various aspects of aerobic and anaerobic performance.

Regarding aerobic performance, there was an increase in the temporal capacity to perform the exercise and a decrease in the subjective perception of effort.

In anaerobic activity, there was a better response of muscle contraction, contributing to an increase in muscle endurance and the deduction of sprint time.

Is it bad to drink Monster Zero?

In summary, any sugar-free energy drink, like Monster Zero, can be an option of interest in a social context due to its pleasant taste and low-calorie content. However, from a nutritional point of view, its value is limited. It is not interesting.

ℹ It is important to know that they can be consumed without posing any health risk. Being a recommended alternative to sugary drinks. But they should never replace water consumption for proper hydration.

Furthermore, special caution should be taken with its consumption, especially due to its high caffeine content. Which may not be suitable for people with digestive problems or very sensitive to caffeine and carbonated water. On the other hand, its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women and children.


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Bibliographic references

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Autor: Laura Pérez Naharro

imagen del autor del artículo


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