Any training program requires a certain level of planning to ensure effectiveness, safety, and the achievement of medium and long-term goals. Depending on the level of specificity we desire in our training process, the intervention of qualified personnel may or may not be necessary, and although we always recommend having the help of a personal trainer, you can create your own training routine.
How to design your own training routine
Before creating your training routine, you should know that it is a complex process that requires an exhaustive knowledge of the person being trained (1).
Starting to train should translate into analyzing your own individual needs, to focus the methods towards the set goal. Precisely setting a goal is fundamental to start any training routine.
But, what should be taken into account when creating your training routine? We detail the following points, essential for designing your methodology:
- Training days per week.
- Available time per session.
- Sports preferences or most advisable training methods: pilates, suspension training, outdoor training, etc.
- Short, medium, and long-term goals. For example: losing weight and toning, gaining muscle mass, getting fit….
- Tools available in the training room (dumbbells, TRX, cardio machines…)
The less you leave to improvisation, the more effective your work sessions will be. A tip, useful for those who do not have much time to train, is to try to schedule the session first thing in the morning, so that unforeseen events that may arise during the day do not limit your routine. We also advise having qualified personnel both for the supervision of exercises in the initial phases and in the selection of available tools in the room.
Variables to create your own training routine
In this section, the fundamental variables to handle for creating your training routine will be shown. We remind you that a training routine must have upward progression, variety in methodologies and exercises performed, and continuity over time to visualize the improvements obtained.
Selection of exercises
Before handling any other variable or factor, you must know which exercises to perform according to your individual needs and preferences. You have several options:
- Exercises with free weights, body weight, or guided machines. It is recommended to start with guided machines at the lowest fitness levels, but it is also advisable to move as soon as possible to exercises with body weight or free weights (dumbbells, bars, kettlebells…). This will promote cross-training with other skills such as proprioception, aerobic work, stretching, etc.
- Open kinetic chain exercises vs closed kinetic chain exercises. The first type of exercises corresponds to those where the distal segment (farthest away) is free and can move (for example, the foot in the quadriceps extension on a machine). The second type of exercises refers to those where it remains fixed (for example, the squat).
- Aerobic exercise vs anaerobic exercise. The fundamental difference between these two types of exercise is the adaptations that derive in our physiology. Aerobic exercise is practiced without oxygen debt, that is, without accumulating lactic acid, such as a continuous run for 20 minutes. It is ideal for the initial phases of training and as active rest. Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, accumulates lactic acid, with greater fatigue. An example of this is the classic HIIT.
Number of sets/repetitions or time
In the case of strength training, we must set an approximate number of sets and repetitions that will vary according to our goal. This relates to the different manifestations of strength that can occur in our muscular system. Thus, we differentiate between:
- Strength training. Pure strength training should consist of exercises containing 3/4 sets of 1 to 3 repetitions. The intensity, as will be seen later, will be above 90% of the maximum repetition (RM). This type of training will directly influence the nervous system and not the size of the muscle fiber. It is a very intense training that requires exhaustive technical knowledge of the exercise, as it involves moving large loads.
- Hypertrophy training. This goal is the most practiced in fitness rooms, defined as the increase in muscle volume. For an exercise to be aimed at hypertrophy, it should be performed between 3 and 4 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions, with medium intensity. On this occasion, it will indeed influence the volume of the muscle fiber.
- Strength-endurance training. Although it is a type of training aimed more at certain sports modalities than at conventional amateur training, it is advisable to practice it, especially in the first months of training. It consists of 4 or 5 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions each. The intensity will be low, below 50%, although the speed of movement should be close to the maximum.
Intensity and volume
These two variables are closely linked to the previous one.
Intensity refers to the degree of effort that the individual makes in each repetition, movement, or exercise (2). In terms of strength, intensity can be measured in several ways: through the character of the effort, maximum repetition, subjective speed, etc.
In terms of ease, we advise using the % relative to the maximum repetition, that is, relative to the maximum weight we can lift for a single repetition. From there, we establish intensity percentages.
For cardiovascular or aerobic training, intensity can also be controlled through different tools: heart rate (maximum), pace, subjective effort…
Similarly to strength, it is recommended to use the Maximum HR as an indicator. Although there are multiple formulas and ways to obtain it, the simplest is 220-age. From there, percentages will be extrapolated on that MHR, to establish different work rates.
- Strength example: 3 sets of 8 repetitions at 70% of the RM (maximum repetition).
- Cardio example: 15 min running at 70% MHR + 5 min at 85% + 10 min at 60%.
Volume refers to the total amount of work done within a session, a week, or a complete cycle (3). It is a factor that must be controlled to avoid situations of excessive stress or overtraining.
The overall work count will depend on the intensity: the higher the intensity, the lower the volume, and likewise, the lower the intensity, the greater the total volume will have to be. For beginners, about 2 or 3 weekly sessions will be sufficient to obtain improvements. This number will increase as we progress in the program.
Just as efforts are planned, it is also vitally important for the effectiveness of the training routine to schedule rest periods. Therefore, it is recommended, in the beginning, not to train on consecutive days and to perform, as much as possible, active rest that helps muscle regeneration and the recovery of all the structures “damaged” in training.
Rest between sets will also be fundamental. The higher the intensity, the longer the rest times required. For example, when training maximum strength, since the maximums or near maximums, the rest should be at least 3 minutes.
- Strength: between 3 and 5 minutes.
- Hypertrophy: between 1 and 2 minutes.
- Strength-endurance: 1 minute maximum.
Muscle balance
Lastly, and not least, it is worth mentioning this concept as the number one criterion to meet for any routine. Muscle balance will prevent muscle imbalances in our body, avoiding injuries that could impair our performance.
Thus, we must take into account that we must add the same volume of exercises and work for each muscle group at the end of the week.
In summary, it is worth mentioning that, although the supervision of a training routine by a professional is essential, you can create your own training routine with the steps to follow up to certain goals.
Physical exercise can exponentially improve the quality of life of those who practice it, as long as they follow safety and effectiveness guidelines, which involve correctly controlling the variables mentioned in the previous steps.
Bibliographic references
- Badillo, J. J. G., & Serna, J. R. (2002). Bases of strength training programming (Vol. 308). Inde.
- Ayllón, F. N. (2001). Strength training with weights: how to determine the intensity of effort and the different types of strength to train. Digital Magazine.
- Raposo, A. V. (2000). Planning and organization of sports training (Vol. 24). Editorial Paidotribo