Is it normal to lose weight during menopause?

In this article, we answer the question of whether it is normal to lose weight during menopause, along with key tips for it to happen sustainably.

✎ Autor:  Laura Pérez Naharro

The menopause is a period in a woman’s life associated with various hormonal, physical, and emotional changes. In this article, we analyze whether it is normal to lose weight during menopause.

The weight gain and the way fat is distributed in the body are the most significant and important changes in health. In this article, we answer the question of whether it is normal to lose weight during menopause, along with keys for it to occur sustainably.

What happens during menopause?

Before delving into the question of whether it is normal to lose weight during menopause, we must know that during this stage there is a notable decrease in estrogen levels that leads to certain physiological changes such as bone loss, hot flashes, sleep and mood disorders...

However, something that often worries is whether it is normal to lose weight during menopause, as weight gain and physical changes are noticeable in a high percentage of women.

The decrease in estradiol in the ovary and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) leads to higher levels of free androgens. In fact, it has been observed that a decrease in SHBG is related to an increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women.

La siguiente certificación proporciona una comprensión profunda de los cambios que tienen lugar a nivel fisiológico durante la menopausia y su impacto en la salud de las mujeres.

Analizaremos en detalle los riesgos a nivel cardiovascular,(cambios en la distribución de la grasa corporal, niveles de colesterol elevados), la pérdida de masa muscular.

Veremos que ocurre con la densidad mineral ósea y el desarrollo de osteoporosis, los sofocos y otros síntomas comunes, para luego aprender estrategias nutricionales específicas que permitan perder grasa de forma efectiva, además de mejorar la salud.

Low SHBG levels, along with increased central adiposity, known as android obesity, are risk factors for metabolic diseases. Thus, during this stage of life, there is an increase in total cholesterol, as a result of a considerable increase in LDL cholesterol. Along with a decrease in HDL cholesterol levels.

is it normal to lose weight during menopause

Is it normal to lose weight during menopause or is it complicated?

Regarding the question of whether it is normal to lose weight during menopause, or if fat can be lost during this period of life, it is important to consider that menopause is associated with an increase in body weight.

During the transition, women gain an average of half a kilo per year. However, the average weight gain varies with 20% of women gaining around 5 kilos or more until reaching menopause.

In reality, it has not been demonstrated that this increase has a direct relationship with hormonal changes. But it is related to increasing age and decreasing energy expenditure.

ℹ If a woman before menopause does not have healthy eating habits and an active life, it is normal that upon reaching this period, where fat distribution changes, localizing centrally and in the form of visceral fat, combined with lower expenditure, weight increases and that weight gain is more noticeable as it accumulates in other areas where it did not happen before.

In fertile age, the distribution of fat in women is healthier, localizing in saddlebags, limbs, buttocks. This gynoid distribution is related to positive cardiometabolic effects, such as a decrease in insulin resistance.

The responsible for these positive effects are the estrogens. On the contrary, androgens are responsible for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat at abdominal level and, as a consequence, that central adiposity is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, as well as a decrease in physical activity and a poorer quality of life.

Another hormonal change that occurs during menopause, and that has a significant impact on women’s body composition, making them wonder if it is normal to lose weight during menopause, is the increase in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

This fact, along with the decrease in circulating estradiol and maintained androgen levels, leads to a greater accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdominal area and an increase in total visceral adipose tissue.

gain weight during menopause

Other factors affecting weight during menopause

On the other hand, this increase in fat can also be attributed to a lack of awareness among middle-aged women about their health problems.

Too often, having overweight, hypertension, glucose alterations, or elevated cholesterol levels is normalized, as these situations tend to be patched with chronic medication, instead of adopting lifestyle changes.

ℹ Women tend to prioritize the well-being of family members over their own, and this neglect prevents the initiation of any intervention or change focused on weight loss, further aggravating the situation when menopause arrives.

If you wonder if it is normal to lose weight during menopause, the excess fat in this stage is mainly driven by a hormonal imbalance and its effect on energy balance.

Some other important factors, such as unhealthy eating behavior, sedentary lifestyle, and certain secondary clinical pathologies or situations (hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and medication) could also explain the weight gain in this stage.

In Spain, around 401 million women will be at risk of obesity during menopause by 2026. It is important to consider these data as having excess fat in this stage carries a double burden of menopausal symptoms and metabolic complications for the rest of life.


Consequences of excess fat during menopause

Obese and overweight menopausal women have a higher risk of suffering metabolic and cardiovascular complications, osteoporosis, and cancer. The risk of metabolic complications is aggravated by the distribution of abdominal fat.

Intra-abdominal fat around the viscera, visceral fat, acts as metabolically active tissue and produces inflammatory markers that regulate metabolic function.

Furthermore, numerous studies suggest that a greater amount of abdominal fat positively correlates with hypertension, insulin resistance, and proatherogenic lipid profile, well-established risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

La siguiente certificación proporciona una comprensión profunda de los cambios que tienen lugar a nivel fisiológico durante la menopausia y su impacto en la salud de las mujeres.

Analizaremos en detalle los riesgos a nivel cardiovascular,(cambios en la distribución de la grasa corporal, niveles de colesterol elevados), la pérdida de masa muscular.

Veremos que ocurre con la densidad mineral ósea y el desarrollo de osteoporosis, los sofocos y otros síntomas comunes, para luego aprender estrategias nutricionales específicas que permitan perder grasa de forma efectiva, además de mejorar la salud.

In addition to wondering if it is normal to lose weight during menopause, most women during this stage also complain about bone-related problems, joint pain and back pain, knee problems, osteoporosis, and fractures.

In most of these cases, degenerative changes in the bone are caused by a marked decrease in estrogen levels.

ℹ This causes an increase in bone resorption without a corresponding increase in the rate of bone deposition. Making the amount of bone reabsorbed greater than the amount of bone deposited, leading to a net bone loss, which presents as low bone density and quality.

This predisposes menopausal women to bone-related problems, especially osteoporosis, exposing them to a high risk of fractures.

The harmful effect of excess body fat in middle age goes beyond image problems and affects the overall health of these women. It is known that successful obesity management helps in managing this pathology and its related complications, promoting healthy aging.


Is it normal to lose weight during menopause?

If today we ask ourselves if it is normal to lose weight during menopause, it should be mentioned that managing obesity in menopausal women is a great challenge.

Current interventions for weight control, understanding that the goal is a reduction in body fat, yield modest weight loss results, which are poorly maintained in the long term.

This is attributed to a series of barriers that undermine the effectiveness of weight loss strategies. Some of these factors include specific physiological state, underlying metabolic condition, emotional health, behavioral problems (low self-esteem, low self-efficacy), obesogenic environment, and lack of social support.

Most of these barriers are commonly present during the menopause stage, which is why it is normal to wonder so much if it is normal to lose weight during menopause.

Dietary recommendations for weight loss during menopause

If today we ask ourselves if it is normal to lose weight during menopause and we want a successful plan to lose fat during menopause, it must incorporate lifestyle modifications.

Nutrition is a key component and it is not a matter of implementing a specific diet or dietary plan, such as intermittent fasting.

The approach can bring positive effects in the short term, but if we really want changes to last over time, any weight loss plan requires adherence. And this is achieved by adapting the recommendations to each person and their context.

Dietary management is based on the introduction of a caloric deficit while improving the overall quality of the diet. The recommended diet should be high in fiber, especially through antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. They reduce oxidative stress that affects the number and quality of ovarian follicles.

Women should have a daily intake of at least 2 liters of water. Limitations on salt, sugar, and processed foods should be observed. Some specific suggestions if you wonder if it is normal to lose weight during menopause are as follows:

  • Incorporate foods rich in calcium such as milk and dairy products, nuts and seeds, beans, green leafy vegetables for maintaining bone health. The intake of red meats, carbonated drinks, and certain foods rich in phytates (or cooking them properly) should be avoided, as they hinder calcium absorption.
  • Foods rich in iron (whole grains and legumes, lean meat, egg, spinach, nuts, and seeds) should be consumed for heavy menstrual bleeding and magnesium (green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes) to relieve menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, insomnia, palpitations, and irritability.
  • Foods rich in phytoestrogens, especially soy, help relieve menopause symptoms and promote musculoskeletal and bone health.
  • Both peri and postmenopausal women are vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency. Proper screening and supplementation should be provided.
  • Spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine should be avoided to relieve hot flashes.
  • Studies have shown inconsistent results on the effectiveness of incorporating soy products, calcium supplements, and lifelong fish consumption to relieve menopause symptoms.

With the above foods, it is easy to feel full and, therefore, tend to have fewer cravings and constant snacking, which are really what make it difficult to achieve a caloric deficit (which allows fat loss).

menopause diet

Exercise recommendations for weight loss during menopause

Regarding physical activity, an adult should do at least 150 to 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or 75 to 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity, as well as 2-3 days of strength training a week.

When we talk about fat loss, the doses increase, so if you wonder if it is normal to lose weight during menopause, physical activity is something that cannot be negotiated.

However, it is important that it is adapted to the person’s preferences, possible accessibility issues, and physical limitations.

Without forgetting the NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), the energy expended in physical activities not directly related to planned exercise, such as the number of daily steps, household chores, day-to-day activities, climbing stairs, etc.

Activities corresponding to NEAT significantly increase daily caloric expenditure, contributing to the caloric deficit without needing to adjust consumed calories as much.

woman weight training

Bibliographic references

  1. Knight MG, Anekwe C, Washington K, Akam EY, Wang E, Stanford FC. Weight regulation in menopause. Menopause. 2021 May 24;28(8)
  2. Kravitz, H. M., Kazlauskaite, R., & Joffe, H. (2018). Sleep, Health, and Metabolism in Midlife Women and Menopause: Food for Thought. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America, 45(4), 679–694. 
  3. Chopra, S., Sharma, K. A., Ranjan, P., Malhotra, A., Vikram, N. K., & Kumari, A. (2019). Weight Management Module for Perimenopausal Women: A Practical Guide for Gynecologists. Journal of mid-life health, 10(4), 165–172. 

Autor: Laura Pérez Naharro

imagen del autor del artículo


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