Spartan training

Spartan training. Discover its main characteristics, steps to follow to perform a routine, and the benefits it provides.

✎ Autor:  Abel Lorenzo Agras

In this article, we will analyze the Spartan training, very fashionable nowadays.

The Spartans were a people who became famous for their art in battle, their pursuit of perfection, and their punishment of defects. In this quest for perfection, they ate little, trained a lot, and almost without rest.

The harshness of Spartan training transcended into culture, where the cult of the body was strongly rooted.

This culture and this type of training are reborn today to bring a change to our routines.

What is Spartan training?

Spartan training is a training methodology that seeks to enhance basic physical abilities (you can see here an article about these abilities) while achieving a fitness body. A functional training that allows for a general improvement of our physical condition.

The body of the Spartans

For the Spartans, their body was the most powerful weapon they had. They began their training at the age of 7, were considered experts at 20, and at 30, they were masters who taught the younger ones the art of war and weapon handling (1).

But the cult of the body was not only important for war; it was also to prepare for the different Hellenic games (Olympic, Nemean…) and to demonstrate to the rest of the Greek city-states that they were the best (4).

Characteristics of Spartan training

With these historical-cultural backgrounds, we can define Spartan training as an exercise routine that seeks to enhance the individual’s physical abilities (3).

Spartan training today differs somewhat from what it was in its day. There is no longer a need to prepare for war; we have advanced studies on nutrition, physical recovery, rest… to know what is best and most necessary for our body.

But what remains is the idea and the culture of that idea, which leads us to approach training with these characteristics:

  1. Exercises that mobilize large muscle groups
  2. Exercises performed with body weight or free weight
  3. Little recovery time between exercises
  4. High-intensity training

How to prepare a Spartan training routine?

Knowing the characteristics of Spartan training, we can begin to create the general guidelines to prepare our own routine and see different exercises to carry out to achieve the training objectives:

  1. Select 8 movements that we know well and perform them for thirty seconds
  2. Do not use machines (There were no training machines in ancient Sparta)
  3. Perform between 2-4 sets
  4. Little or no rest between exercises
  5. Little rest between sets (1-2 minutes)

As exercises, we can select pull-ups, squats, burpees, dips, lunges, plyometrics… and as a complement to these, exercises like HIIT such as short sprints, drags, hills…

It should be added that small muscle groups or isolated muscles have no place in Spartan training. Their development will come from the intense work of the large muscle groups (for example, the biceps develop when performing pull-ups).


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Nutrition and Spartan training

As we have already mentioned, the Spartan ate little, but within their diet, they ate many plant-based and whole products.

Their “black broth” is well known, a drink made with a mixture of blood, wine, and animal viscera, which tasted like death itself (2). But besides this, their diet included cereals, oils, fruits, and farm and game animals.

Today, we don’t need to drink the black broth or eat in small quantities, as we know the need for good nutrition for proper muscle development.

What remains in this culture of Spartan training from their diet is the tendency towards plant-based products like rice, wheat, barley… fruits like figs, pears, or apples, and animals like chicken, turkey, and to a lesser extent, game (birds, wild boars…)

Benefits of Spartan training

Below, we show you the benefits of Spartan training:

  • Trains movements, so it transfers to our daily life.
  • Promotes greater body control.
  • Lowers body fat percentage.
  • Increases muscle mass and strength.
  • Improves the cardiovascular system.
  • It is a fun training due to its dynamism and continuous activity.

Conclusion on Spartan training

  • Spartan training is physically demanding and requires prior preparation
  • Spartan training is part of a culture that entails a healthy lifestyle and a diet based on natural, organic products
  • The exercises are with body weight or free weight, so they can be performed indoors or outdoors, without the need to attend a gym or sports center
  • It has multiple benefits and is also a dynamic and fun training

To conclude, it should be said that Spartan training is not a routine that should be performed by someone new to the field of training.

If you are someone who is starting, it is best to put yourself in the hands of physical activity and sports professionals who will guide the process.

If, even being already initiated and having training experience, you decide to perform Spartan training outside a training center, make sure you are backed by a trainer.


  1. Carledge, Paul (2009) The Spartans: An epic history. Ariel. Col. Ariel Historia
  2. Secco Ellauri, O. & Baridon, P.D (1972) Universal history: Greece. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kapelusz
  3. Kennel, Nigel (1995) Gymnasium of virtue: Education and culture in ancient Sparta University of North Carolina: USA
  4. University of Vigo (2010) Notes on the subject History and sociology of sport. Pontevedra

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