Benefits of Omega 3 You Should Know

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients necessary for maintaining good health due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

✎ Autor:  Saúl Sánchez

Omega 3 is an unsaturated fatty acid that has many beneficial properties for the body.

It is mainly found in oily fish, vegetable oils, nuts, and oily fruits. Its intake is currently recommended for the prevention of several complex pathologies.

Almost all experts maintain a unanimous criterion regarding the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids.

It is optimal for them to appear daily in the diet. Supplementation with them can even be considered in several cases to achieve improvements in the individual’s health status.

What is omega 3 and what is it for?

Omega3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat. We need these fats to strengthen neurons and for other important functions.

These acids help keep the heart healthy and protected against a stroke.

Omega 3 fatty acids constitute a group of nutrients capable of providing many benefits to the human body.

Their regular consumption is recommended to reduce the incidence of complex pathologies in the medium and long term, some of which are chronic.

We are going to teach you exactly what these elements are and where they can be found, as well as the main effects they exert.

Remember that they can also be ingested through dietary supplements, although it is always a better option to resort to natural foods.

omega 3

Where is omega 3 found?

Omega 3s are lipids that belong to the group of unsaturated fats.

This is because they have double bonds in their chemical composition, which gives them certain properties. They are liquid at room temperature, and their viscosity decreases as the temperature increases.

It is possible to find these substances in certain foods such as oily fish and nuts. Seeds also have a significant concentration of them.

Olive oil and oily fruits like avocado are other main sources.

Tu aliado antiinflamatorio para un corazón fuerte, cuerpo sano y mente clara.

Mejora tu salud cardiovascular, cerebral y cognitiva, y contribuye a la reducción de la inflamación en el cuerpo. Los Omega 3 aumentan el colesterol HDL ("colesterol bueno"). 

Cuida el sistema inmune, tu piel y tus ojos. El DHA y EPA están equilibrados con cantidades óptimas para garantizar el máximo resultado, y ayudan en el tratamiento de la depresión y la ansiedad. 

What benefits does taking omega 3 have?

We are going to tell you about the main benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and the position of science in this regard.

Reduction of cardiovascular pathologies

Omega 3 series fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties.

This directly affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of developing pathologies related to the obstruction of blood vessels (1).

There is also some evidence that regular consumption of these nutrients could positively impact the lipid profile of the body, thus reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

The truth is that the possible impact of omega 3s on this parameter is quite limited, although a slight positive effect can be appreciated.

To date, there is solid evidence that regular consumption of omega 3 fatty acids manages to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular pathologies (1).

This is due to their action on the lipid profile and their ability to modulate the inflammatory states of the body.

omega 3 is an essential nutrient
Salmon has a large amount of omega 3 inside

To maximize the effect, it is recommended that the consumption of omega 3 be equated to that of omega 6. The ideal ratio would be 1:1, although it is currently common to find a distribution of 5:1 or 10:1 in favor of omega 6.

This imbalance generates a promotion of inflammatory mechanisms that can end up affecting the proper functioning of the systems.

Omega 3s could positively impact the lipid profile of the body, thus reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

Less muscle mass loss

Classically, supplementation with glutamine or BCAAs has been recommended to reduce muscle catabolism. However, it is now known that both substances do not generate significant effects on this parameter.

But omega 3 series fatty acids are indeed capable of affecting muscle health, allowing for greater functionality and preventing mass loss (2).

This situation is more relevant in cases of sarcopenia, although it is also detected in athletes subjected to a caloric deficit to adjust weight.

Dietary omega 3 intake may be sufficient to achieve this goal of minimizing muscle loss.

However, sometimes it is necessary to resort to supplementation with the substance. Using fish oil capsules is usually a good option.

Omega 3s protect against sarcopenia
Omega 3s help prevent muscle loss.

Omega 3 fatty acids are capable of affecting muscle health, allowing for greater functionality and preventing mass loss (2).

Reduction of muscle catabolism

Omega 3 fatty acids, apart from everything mentioned, have the ability to positively influence muscle health (5).

Their frequent intake reduces the risk of suffering losses related to lean tissue, although these will depend greatly on energy balance, total protein intake, and physical activity performed.

Normally, omega 3s act as anti-catabolic nutrients, which is very useful in individuals suffering from sarcopenia or pathologies that cause progressive muscle mass deterioration.

In these cases, supplementation is also often resorted to, as dietary doses are usually not sufficient.

Omega 3 fatty acids act as anti-catabolic nutrients in people with sarcopenia.

Better inflammation management

Inflammation is usually understood as a harmful process for the body that must be avoided.

This is not the case; inflammation is essential for life, as it is a mechanism that maximizes blood supply to a specific area.

Under normal conditions, it is mediated by a series of efficient physiological reactions that stimulate and curb the stimuli that trigger it.

However, in certain situations, inefficiencies in the systems can be caused, often motivated by an incorrect diet or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Omega 3 fatty acids manage to modulate this inflammatory mechanism, curbing feedback cascades (3).

It should be noted that many of the chronic and complex pathologies that develop today have inflammation itself as an underlying element.

Therefore, proper control of it directly affects the reduction of the incidence of these diseases.

We have already mentioned that one of the key points in this aspect is to equate the intake of omega 3 with that of omega 6.

It is also relevant to avoid, as much as possible, the intake of trans-type fatty acids, as they generate oxidation and inflammation at the systemic level.

Sleeping at least 6-7 hours daily and practicing physical activity regularly will be crucial.

Omega-3 fatty acids modulate the pro-inflammatory mechanism, favoring better management of said inflammation.

Better joint health

Another benefit derived from the anti-inflammatory capacity of omega 3 fatty acids is the better joint health that results from their consumption.

Many chronic pathologies, such as arthritis, have an inflammatory component that generates constant pain.

Increasing the dietary intake of omega 3 series lipids could improve disease management (4), making the subject more functional.

In fact, one of the strategies used for the treatment of chronic pain is supplementation with these nutrients, along with a significant amount of vitamin D.

This achieves a symptomatic improvement, which positively affects the quality of life of patients.

The consumption of Omega-3 could improve the management of arthritis, improving our joint health.

Efficient management of arthritis

One of the most challenging structural pathologies to manage is arthritis.

It is often disabling, and pharmacology is not always the best option due to the side effects generated.

It should be noted that non-steroidal oral anti-inflammatories are very aggressive for the liver.

Corticosteroids, on the other hand, can cause problems in the hormonal regulation of the body.

However, supplementation with omega 3 series fatty acids seems effective in the treatment and management of arthritis (4).

It must be combined, of course, with many other strategies. Good rest is essential, physical activity can also help significantly, and curcumin generates substantial improvements.

Natural or alternative therapies often achieve great results in the treatment of this chronic pathology.

Pharmacology prescribed by the doctor should never be replaced, but sometimes an adequate lifestyle can allow its elimination in the medium term under proper supervision.

Supplementation with omega 3 series fatty acids seems effective in the treatment and management of arthritis


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Autor: Saúl Sánchez

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics with specialization in Nutrigenomics and Sports Nutrition. Currently working as a nutritionist for R.C. Deportivo de la Coruña.

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