The flexibility training has been widely studied since its inception. Its different methods, means, and types of work make it highly relevant for injury recovery, prevention, and also for competition preparation.
Flexibility is the absolute range of motion of one or several joints, obtained through a momentary effort made by the individual, or with the help of another person or an apparatus (5).
We must be cautious when talking about related terms that are completely different, such as joint mobility, which is the ability to move a segment or part of the body within the widest possible range and is conditioned by several factors.
These are: bone stops, the stiffness or laxity of the ligaments, the ability to elongate muscles and connective tissue, as well as greater or lesser muscle or adipose mass (1,7) or elasticity, which is the ability to return to their normal length in the shortest possible time after being stretched (3).
Objectives of flexibility training
The main objectives of flexibility are:
- Development of certain levels of joint mobility and/or muscle extensibility.
- Recovery of tone as a way for muscle recovery.
We can also find secondary objectives such as:
- Joint stability
- Injury prevention
- Facilitate muscle contraction and coordination
- Allows taking advantage of muscle energy
- Promotes the achievement of a more economical technique (2).
Types of flexibility
There are different types of movements and stretching exercises, but flexibility can be grouped into two major categories: (4)
- Static or passive: Related to the degree of passive mobility achieved with slow movements and performed with assistance
- Dynamic or active: It is the mobility achieved in the vast majority of sports movements generated by forces such as the contraction of the antagonist and combined effects of gravity or other external elements.
A classification can also be established in relation to the degree of its development: (4)(6)
- Absolute flexibility (maximum amplitude): Maximum joint mobility, requested at specific moments or gestures
- Working flexibility: Normal range of mobility requested by daily life or sports activity
- Residual flexibility: Level of elongation, always higher than working flexibility, that the athlete must develop to avoid stiffness that may affect their range of movement in sports gestures
Factors that limit flexibility
Flexibility can also see its range of motion reduced by multiple factors that influence the body, muscular, anatomical, and functional components. They are divided into 3 major groups
- Mechanical factors:
Related to the anatomy and physical conditions of the individual:
- Joint mobility
- Muscle-tendon elasticity
- Strength
- Neurological and emotional factors:
Related to cognitive and personality aspects of the individual:
- Environmental stimuli
- Muscle nerve receptors
- Extrinsic factors:
Related to external or differentiating agents:
- Age
- Sex
- Temperature
- Social customs
- Other factors: Nutrition, time of day… (2).
Methods of flexibility training
There is an organization of the different methods based on their influence on each of the limiting factors of flexibility: the muscular component and the joint component (2) (4) (6)
Neuromuscular facilitation methods
They affect the muscular component.
- Relaxed static stretching (passive): It involves maintaining a stretch position for at least 10” to inhibit the stretch reflex.
- Passive-assisted stretching: Similar to the previous one, but now an object or external force is used to increase the range of joint mobility and maintain a more forced stretch position
- Anderson stretching: Relaxed static stretching for 20”, followed by relaxation and further stretching for another 20”
- PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation): Stretching for 20” followed by an isometric contraction of the agonist for 6-10” and relaxation while exhaling
- 3-S of Holt: It is a sequence of stretching for 20”, isometric contraction of the agonist for 6-10”, relaxation, contraction of the antagonist for 6” and relaxation
Passive and dynamic methods
They affect the joint component (only when the limitation imposed by the muscular component is overcome)
Static methods
- Static stretching (passive): Maintain stretch position for 20-60”
- Passive-assisted stretching: Similar to the previous one, but using an external force to maintain the position
Dynamic methods
These involve performing different actions through the active movement of the athlete (swings) or with the help of a partner (tractions) to cause a rapid deformation in the muscle that exceeds the stretch limit.
Levels of approach
For the development of flexibility methods, we group them into 3 different levels, with increasing specificity and complexity, depending on the proposed objectives and the focus of the training session. (1)(2)
First level: general
At the general level, flexibility will focus on improving stretching technique and performing stretches passively, mainly seeking injury prevention and other secondary objectives.
Second level: directed
At the directed level, stretches will be done in pairs or small groups, applying a greater external force and seeking to achieve the main objectives. From this level, caution should increase regarding the exercises as it may increase the risk of injury.
Third level: special
At the special level, stretches will be focused on extreme situations that may occur in the specific actions of the sport. Use of the PNF and 3-S methods to perform stretches in specific tasks, dynamic methods during warm-up or pre-preparation, and also eccentric work focused on injury prevention.
Conclusions on flexibility training
- Terms like flexibility, elasticity, or joint mobility should not be confused, even though they are related
- Flexibility training has multiple objectives, but whether for recovery, prevention, or preparation, its work is fundamental in sports
- There are multiple limiting factors of flexibility, therefore, they must be considered when preparing specific training sessions and individualizing methods based on objectives
- There are many methods of flexibility training and we must consider the session’s objective before starting preparation on one or the other
- The session should be included in an approach level according to the proposed objective, with its differentiated methods and always individualized
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