Coconut cream, a quality product

Coconut cream is a food that can provide a large amount of saturated fatty acids, but of high quality.

✎ Autor:  Saúl Sánchez

The coconut cream is a natural food made from coconut and water that has a fat content of between 21 and 25%. It is a nutritious product with a slightly sweet taste.

It has a thick and creamy texture and is often used to make desserts, given its lipid content. However, there is also the option of using it in the preparation of savory dishes, such as curry.

Moreover, there are different varieties of coconut cream on the market. It is possible to purchase a protein-enriched edible, which could be especially useful to complement the ketogenic diet. Even in the context of a flexible guideline, the inclusion of this food would make sense. It provides high-quality nutrients.

What is the nutritional value of coconut cream?

As a general rule, coconut cream can provide about 330 calories per 100 grams of food. Most of it comes from fat, as it contains about 35 grams per 100.

Most of these lipids are saturated. Although this is not bad news. Today, the hypothesis that this element increases cardiovascular risk has been discarded (1).

From the vitamin point of view, coconut cream contains a small dose of vitamin C and another of vitamin B9.

It also contains several essential minerals. These are calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. However, its content is not high. It can be useful to ensure that the electrolyte balance is maintained, but not to meet the daily needs of these elements.

Coconut cream is a quality food

What are the benefits of coconut cream?

Regular consumption of coconut cream could generate a series of health benefits. It has a certain antiviral capacity, so it could help reduce the incidence of certain infectious pathologies.

The fatty acids it contains also help to avoid throat problems, such as inflammation and pain.

On the other hand, the regular intake of a certain amount of saturated lipids could be positive to accelerate metabolism. However, it is important that the consumed ones are of the cis type.

If they are subjected to aggressive thermal processes, a change in the special configuration of the fatty acids will occur, transforming them into trans type. These increase inflammation levels in the internal environment and cause diseases (2).

Likewise, coconut cream can have certain topical applications. It can be applied to the face to improve cleanliness and promote good hydration. It will be especially useful in the case of dry skin. It should be noted that coconut cream contains a lot of water inside, a major element in the external tissue of the body.

In addition, the oral consumption of coconut cream could also have a benefit on beauty. We are talking about a food that is a source of antioxidants.

These elements neutralize the formation of free radicals and their subsequent accumulation in the body’s tissues, resulting in slower aging (3).

Coconut cream with proteins

As we have mentioned, it is possible to find coconut cream enriched with proteins in different supplement or sports nutrition stores.

In this case, the food gains from the point of view of nutritional density. It is a low-carbohydrate edible, so it could be included in the guideline as a substitute for butter in ketogenic coffee.

It is excellent for snacks, being able to be combined with other products such as nuts. However, its energy content remains high.

This must be taken into account when planning a balanced diet, avoiding the gain of fat mass. Otherwise, health status could be endangered over time.

It is also worth noting that it is key to check the labeling before purchasing a coconut cream with proteins inside.

They are often marketed with different flavors, which implies the addition of sugar or artificial sweetener. It is not positive to abuse either of these two elements, as they could negatively impact the functioning of the metabolism (4).

How to cook with coconut cream?

Coconut milk is a fundamental ingredient in many Asian-origin recipes. Sometimes this product can be replaced by coconut cream, especially for making sauces. This will achieve a much denser texture, but it can improve the organoleptic characteristics of certain dishes.

low-calorie tacos can be prepared
Coconut cream can be used to prepare sauces.

There is even the option of mixing coconut milk and cream to obtain a softer semi-solid texture. The nutrient content of the preparation will be higher, although its energy density will also be higher.

This type of nutritional strategy, including good quality sauces in the preparations, can be efficient when the goal is to promote muscle mass gain, as a hypercaloric environment is needed.

How is coconut cream preserved?

Coconut cream is a food with a fairly long shelf life, but it must always be stored properly. The ideal is to keep it in a well-sealed glass container.

It can be placed in the refrigerator and even frozen. In the latter case, it will last without major problems for up to 6 months. However, when defrosting it, it should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours before use.

Where to buy coconut cream?

As you have seen, coconut cream is considered a healthy food that can be included in the context of a regular diet.

Both its consumption and its application on the skin cause a series of health benefits. However, it is important to introduce it into a balanced and varied guideline to avoid a nutrient deficit that conditions the efficiency of physiology.

Finally, remember that when the goal is to prevent the development of complex pathologies, it is advisable to ensure a series of good habits, in addition to improving the diet. It is key to exercise daily, emphasizing strength work.

Bibliographic references

  1. Khaw, K. T., Sharp, S. J., Finikarides, L., Afzal, I., Lentjes, M., Luben, R., & Forouhi, N. G. (2018). Randomised trial of coconut oil, olive oil or butter on blood lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men and women. BMJ open8(3), e020167.
  2. Islam, M. A., Amin, M. N., Siddiqui, S. A., Hossain, M. P., Sultana, F., & Kabir, M. R. (2019). Trans fatty acids and lipid profile: A serious risk factor to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Diabetes & metabolic syndrome13(2), 1643–1647.
  3. Liguori, I., Russo, G., Curcio, F., Bulli, G., Aran, L., Della-Morte, D., Gargiulo, G., Testa, G., Cacciatore, F., Bonaduce, D., & Abete, P. (2018). Oxidative stress, aging, and diseases. Clinical interventions in aging13, 757–772.
  4. Freeman, C. R., Zehra, A., Ramirez, V., Wiers, C. E., Volkow, N. D., & Wang, G. J. (2018). Impact of sugar on the body, brain, and behavior. Frontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition)23, 2255–2266.

Autor: Saúl Sánchez

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics with specialization in Nutrigenomics and Sports Nutrition. Currently working as a nutritionist for R.C. Deportivo de la Coruña.

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