What is the best women’s sports watch? Discover our top 5!

Wearing women’s sports watch is complex if we don’t know how to choose the best one for our preferences. We show you our top 5.

✎ Autor:  Pablo Sánchez

Choosing a women’s sports watch is not an easy task. In this article, we focus on which are the best sports watches for women based on three main aspects: lightness, technical specifications and, of course, design. Don’t miss it!

Advances in new technologies and a mentality increasingly focused on sport and healthy living has resulted in more and more models of sports watches for women on the market.

This device, which originally focused on monitoring physical activity, now goes much further and has become a fundamental part of the daily lives of men and women who love sports. But what is the best sports watch for women?

Looking for a sports watch for women? Here is our top 5

Here is a list of this year’s best sports watches for women.

1. Garmin Fenix 7S

This is a sports watch for women with integrated GPS that has been specifically designed to record and monitor actual physical performance. To do this, it makes use of the most advanced technology!

ℹ In addition, it has additional features that make it a more complete device than the previous version of the brand. These include: longer battery life, touch screen and ample storage capacity.

In this sense, it is the perfect women’s sports watch for the most demanding women and those looking to improve their performance in sports. With the optimization of this watch, reaching your goals and challenges is now much easier!

Garmin Fenix 7x, Reloj Deportivo Inteligente

Gracias a la carga solar disfruta de una batería de hasta 37 días en modo reloj inteligente, 122 horas en modo GPS y 139 días en modo GPS Expedition. Conectividad Wi-Fi, ANT+ y Bluetooth. Recibe notificaciones inteligentes directamente en tu reloj y paga con él gracias a Garmin Pay.

Suunto 9 Peak

This is the next model after the famous Suunto 9 and has already positioned itself as one of the best sports watches for women thanks to its more technical specifications. Stay and let us tell you about it!

On the one hand, it has a GPS of the latest generation, as well as a long battery life. And on the other hand, it has as a novelty a software update that enhances and improves its wireless connectivity, and a function to measure the amount of oxygen in blood.

In addition, this sports watch for women has an elegant, thin and resistant design that combines with all looks.

Suunto 9 Peak Reloj deportivo GPS

Reloj GPS ultrafino, pequeño y extremadamente duradero fabricado con materiales de alta calidad para aventuras y deportes extremos al aire libre, Fabricado en Finlandia con energía 100% renovable.

Registra la actividad diaria y el sueño en la app de Suunto, Más de 80 modos de deporte, App de planificación de rutas de Suunto con mapas térmicos para los mejores lugares para correr, hacer senderismo, montar en bicicleta y mucho más

3. Fitbit Versa 3

Another very interesting women’s sports watch is the Fitbit Versa 3, which has undoubtedly arrived in the watch world to stay. With its own app called Fitbit, monitoring and collecting results is much simpler and intuitive. But that’s not all! Its functionalities make it a very complete model.

In this sense, it is worth mentioning several integrated functions such as GPS, which is key to consult the distance traveled instantly and the pace during physical activity, as well as other aspects such as the effort made.

It also has a longer battery life and a water resistance of up to 50 meters. This means it is unbeatable against splashes on rainy days, for example. It also has more than 20 exercise modes adapted and optimized to offer the best metrics.

Fitbit Versa 3 - Smartwatch de salud y forma física

Reloj GPS ultrafino, pequeño y extremadamente duradero fabricado con materiales de alta calidad para aventuras y deportes extremos al aire libre, Fabricado en Finlandia con energía 100% renovable.

Registra la actividad diaria y el sueño en la app de Suunto, Más de 80 modos de deporte, App de planificación de rutas de Suunto con mapas térmicos para los mejores lugares para correr, hacer senderismo, montar en bicicleta y mucho más

As for the differences with the previous model, this sports watch for women, the Fitbit Versa 2, there is an optimization of each workout routine. This means that the device itself tells you the level of daily recovery your body needs based on a previous analysis, as well as the sleep score to also improve rest.

And if that’s not enough, you can enjoy your favorite music and podcasts while you train, as the device itself has the ability to control different applications.

pulsómetro polar

Garmin Vivoactive 4S

The most elegant people also have the right to wear on their wrist a sophisticated and serious sports watch for women, the Garmin Vivoactive 4S is the perfect choice for all of them!

In fact, it is considered a multifunction watch, as it combines many of the features of a smartwatch and an activity bracelet. Therefore, it can be used both for sports and for attending an event or a party.

Regarding the more technical specifications, this model obtains information on the number of steps, heart rate, sleep quality and calories burned during daily activity.

But that’s not all! It also has the Body Battery function. Sound familiar? This is a feature that lets you know a person’s energy level through the pulse oximeter, which measures blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and the amount of oxygen the body can process as a maximum(VO2 max).

In short, this feature lets you know if you are ready for a demanding workout or if it is time for a recovery session based on stretching.

This women’s sports watch also features GPS and GLONASS positioning systems, as well as an altimeter. This also makes it one of the best sports watches for those who love hiking and mountaineering.

The Garmin Connect app is responsible, in this case, to offer the route and the slopes of a particular area. In addition, you can synchronize this application with other sports apps such as Endomondo or Strava.

Its battery has a battery life of 14 hours with GPS and 7 days in smartwatch mode. Not so bad!

On the other hand, this sports watch for women has a music storage capacity of up to 4GB and has the ability to download songs from Deezer or Spotify to listen to them from the mobile.

In addition, it allows you to make payments with Garmin Pay, that is, you can make transactions with your watch. Of course, it does not have a microphone to answer calls or mobile notifications by voice.

reloj deportivo mujer garmin

ℹ Its water resistance is up to 50 meters so it supports splashes without any problem and, among other of its most interesting aspects, is the possibility of custom design of interval training. In this way, you can mark the different rhythms and different distances or series in parts. Ideal for those who enhance cardio or strength activities!

This sports watch for women also includes an incident detection, so the most extreme sportswomen do not have to worry in this aspect. The women’s sports watch detects the fall and sends a message with the location.

Garmin vívoactive 4S

Las estadísticas de forma física nunca están de más. Al menos no en este reloj.
Con esta batería que dura hasta 7 días, podrás mantenerte conectado, sin tener que pensar en el cargador.
Olvídate del teléfono y escucha las listas de reproducción que creas para entrenar desde tu muñeca.

5. Polar Ignite 2

The Finnish brand Polar has launched a perfect model for women athletes. We are talking about the Polar Ignite 2 watch that stands out for its versatility and its discreet, simple and functional style.

It is available in various colors depending on the tastes of consumers and has become a great ally for the most demanding training routines thanks to its accuracy.

In fact, this women’s sports watch features Polar Precision Prime™ sensors that ensure high reliability when recording and collecting heart rate from the wrist.

relojes deporitvos

In addition, it is a great choice for those who are getting into the healthy lifestyle as it offers fully customized training guides and a set of recovery time optimization reports. The latter allows sportswomen to schedule the best times to rest so as not to end up with an injury.

Undoubtedly, it is a sports watch for women that has climbed positions in the market for very good reasons.

Polar Ignite 2 - Smartwatch fitness con GPS

Crea tu estilo de vida la ayuda de nuestro smartwatch deportivo para mujeres y hombres; Con funciones añadidas como controles de música, tiempo y notificaciones push, tienes lo que necesitas para volver con más fuerza

Bibliographical references

  1. Selena R. P. et al. (2019). Accuracy of commercially available heart rate monitors in athletes: a prospective study. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 9(4):379-385.
  2. Muhammad. E. et al. (2019). Accuracy of wearable heart rate monitors in cardiac rehabilitation. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 9(3):262-271.
  3. Rober Wang, D. et al. (2017). Accuracy of Wrist-Worn Heart Rate Monitors. Accuracy of Wrist-Worn Heart Rate Monitors.

Autor: Pablo Sánchez

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Physical Education Teacher. Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (UDC). Graduate in Primary Education, mention in Physical Education (UEM). Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching (UDC).

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