What is winstrol? Discover its risks and benefits

Winstrol is one of the most widely used anabolic steroids. Especially in its injectable version, promoting strength and hypertrophy.

✎ Autor:  Saúl Sánchez

Winstrol is one of the most widely used drugs among bodybuilding athletes who use anabolic agents. It is a compound whose sale without prescription to the public is prohibited.

Winstrol has side effects that can be more or less serious depending on the dose. In addition, there is a risk of it becoming a drug of abuse or altering the proper functioning of the central nervous system, affecting mood.

Despite this, many athletes purchase this type of drug on the black market or in other countries and include it in their routines in order to enhance muscle and strength gains.

The results are much better than those offered by any other legal ergogenic aid. However, their use is prosecuted by WADA and is punishable by harsh penalties that keep athletes out of competition for years.

What is winstrol used for?

The first thing to be clear about is that winstrol is a trade name, not a hormone itself. The steroid included in the product is stanozolol, an element with properties similar to those of testosterone (1).

Winstrol is one of the most widely used drugs among bodybuilding athletes using anabolic steroids. It is a compound whose sale without prescription to the public is prohibited.

It is normally used for the treatment of certain pathologies, including sarcopenia and infertility. But in controlled doses and under medical prescription.

In the context of sports, winstrol is used to increase muscle mass, given its positive effects on endogenous protein synthesis.

ℹ This positively affects muscle recovery and the ability to assimilate high training loads. Thus, stronger and more efficient adaptations are consolidated.

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But one of the problems arises from the quantities used. Supraphysiological doses are administered which alter the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and thus the signaling of endogenous testosterone production (2).

ℹ In the medium term this can lead to impaired fertility, reduced testicular size and aromatization in the mammary glands.

For these reasons winstrol is not usually administered in isolation, but is included in a cycle of drugs and other ergogenic aids that help reduce mild and moderate adverse effects.

Even so, little can be done against alterations in the structure of the cardiac muscle generated by the drug, such as ventricular hypertrophy.

What are the side effects of winstrol?

As mentioned above, the use and abuse of winstrol in supraphysiological doses and for recreational purposes can generate a series of side effects. Many of them are dose-dependent and may not manifest themselves in the short term.

However, if the injectable option is used, liver toxicity is considerably reduced compared to other oral counterparts.

The burden on the liver is lower, leading to less alteration of transaminases. This is quite positive, as oral hormones are usually very damaging to this organ.

However, exogenous administration of testosterone in high amounts causes several dysregulations within the internal homeostasis.

Signaling by the axis is suppressed, leading to inability to procreate during and after administration. At least for some time. Libido may also be altered and even erection problems may occur.

ℹ With the consumption of winstrol other alterations related to male secondary sexual characteristics will develop. It increases hair growth on the body, accelerates hair loss on the head, causes acne, increases aggressiveness… It is also associated with sudden changes in mood and depressive disorders.

But all these effects could be considered mild. Many of them are reversible or treatable by means of other compounds.

The real problem occurs in the cardiovascular system. Hemodynamics can be altered. So can blood lipids and heart structure (3). This risk is multiplied when winstrol is combined with other recreational drugs of an excitatory nature.


Performance benefits of winstrol

Within the sports world winstrol is often used as a cutting drug, often in combination with clenbuterol. This is because it does not cause fluid retention at the intramuscular level, resulting in a very clean lean mass gain.

ℹ As it allows the assimilation of higher training loads, energy expenditure is increased, which promotes fat loss and muscle definition.

Although this would be within the field of bodybuilding. In other disciplines it is used as an agent to improve sports performance, positively affecting strength values. Anabolic hormones not only increase muscle protein synthesis, but also promote a more efficient recruitment of motor units, achieving a superior development of strength.

Winstrol doses are normally 50 mg per day in men and 10 mg per day in women. But it can vary. Experienced athletes in the use of these drugs usually increase the amounts as they go beyond the cycles of administration. Otherwise the gains will not be consolidated.

This is where the main risk comes in. To continue advancing many bodybuilders try to use megadoses of steroids or combine different drugs, causing alterations in the endocrine system much more complex. Besides, the toxicity of combined drugs is always higher, even if you choose the injectable version of them.

Winstrol, an efficient but dangerous drug

As you have seen, winstrol is a drug that produces very good results at the sports level. It manages to improve the gain of muscle mass and strength, also favoring the loss of adipose tissue.

But there are quite a few risks derived from its consumption, especially when used at high doses. In addition, it is banned and prosecuted, so if it is detected in competitive athletes they will be suspended for a period of time.

ℹ Finally, it should be noted that any doping substance causes changes in the body, to a greater or lesser extent. The risk of all of them is not equal.

The doses, the means of administration, the duration of the cycle or the associated lifestyle can determine the consequences of their use. However, it is best to avoid them.


How long does the effect of Winstrol last in the body?

The effect of Winstrol on the body depends on several factors, such as dosage, cycle length and individual sensitivity. In general, the effects of this anabolic steroid are expected to last about 8 weeks in the body after use.

However, some people may experience lingering side effects after discontinuing Winstrol use, such as changes in libido and testosterone levels.

Therefore, it is recommended that anyone using this anabolic steroid do so under the supervision of a physician and follow a proper cycle with a post-cycle plan to minimize any negative side effects.

How should Winstrol be used?

The use of Winstrol should be supervised by a physician and a proper cycle with a post-cycle plan should be followed to minimize negative side effects.

In general, the recommended dosage of Winstrol for men is 25-50mg per day and for women is 5-10mg per day. The Winstrol cycle usually lasts 6-8 weeks.

Winstrol can be taken orally or by injection. The oral form is usually taken once a day, while the injectable form is administered every other day. It is recommended that the use of Winstrol be done in combination with a proper diet and training plan to maximize results.

ℹ It is important to keep in mind that the use of Winstrol can have negative side effects, such as changes in libido, testosterone levels and liver problems, among others. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult a doctor before starting any steroid cycle and follow the usage guidelines carefully to minimize any health risks.

What happens if I take Winstrol?

If you apply Winstrol without medical supervision and without following a proper cycle, you could experience several negative side effects on your health. Winstrol is an anabolic steroid that can affect the body’s hormonal and metabolic system.

As we have already discussed, some of the most common side effects of Winstrol include changes in libido, testosterone levels, liver problems, acne, mood swings and cardiovascular problems, among others.

In addition, improper use of Winstrol can increase the risk of serious side effects such as heart attacks, strokes and liver cancer.

Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting any steroid cycle and follow the usage guidelines carefully to minimize any health risks. If you experience any side effects after applying Winstrol, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Literature References

  1. Zhu, S., Long, L., Hu, Y., Tuo, Y., Li, Y., & Yu, Z. (2021). GnRHa/Stanozolol Combined Therapy Maintains Normal Bone Growth in Central Precocious Puberty. Frontiers in endocrinology, 12, 678797.
  2. Reyes-Vallejo L. (2020). Current use and abuse of anabolic steroids. Current use and abuse of anabolic agents. Actas urologicas espanolas, 44(5), 309-313.
  3. Handelsman D. J. (2021). Androgen Misuse and Abuse. Endocrine reviews, 42(4), 457-501.

Autor: Saúl Sánchez

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics with specialization in Nutrigenomics and Sports Nutrition. Currently working as a nutritionist for R.C. Deportivo de la Coruña.

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