Understanding muscle involvement in different exercises that we perform in our gyms allows us to design better training programs, as well as increase knowledge about the functioning of our own body. Although there are three types of muscle tissue in the human body: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth, in this article we will only focus on the muscles you work in each exercise.
Muscles: what functions does muscle tissue have?
Muscle tissue has the following key main functions in the body (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7):
- Generate heat: When muscle tissue contracts, it produces heat through a process called thermogenesis, whose main function is to maintain an adequate and correct body temperature throughout the organism.
- Stabilize body positions: The contractions performed by the muscles allow various body postures to be performed and maintained (sitting, standing, etc.).
- Perform body movements: The movements performed by the entire body (running, walking, jumping, etc.) and those that are localized movements (holding something, moving the head, etc.) are possible thanks to the joint work and coordination of the bones, joints, and muscles.
- Store and mobilize substances in the body: The first is achieved thanks to the continuous contraction of sphincters (ring bands of smooth muscle) whose function is to prevent the contents of a hollow organ from escaping. The mobilization of substances can be achieved in many ways, for example, through the contraction of the cardiac muscle to expel blood from the heart, allowing the passage of food and bile through the digestive tract, or promoting lymphatic flow through the contractions of the muscles.
En este curso vamos a tratar el entrenamiento de la fuerza orientada a la hipertrofia muscular, buscando las formas de optimizar el proceso a la hora de planificar las cargas y las sesiones de entrenamiento.
Aprenderemos a determinar cuándo nos interesa conseguir esa hipertrofia, cómo esta afecta a los niveles de fuerza y la importancia de conocer el estado inicial de la persona que se someta a este tipo de entrenamiento.
What muscles do I work in each exercise?
In the following article, we show you different exercises and their muscle involvement, it is what muscles do I work in each exercise so that you are clear at all times which muscle group you are exercising in your training routines.
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