In this article, we will see what the red light lamp for sleeping is and what the main benefits they offer during sleep are.
Additionally, we will make a list of products related to red light and some risks associated with exposure to natural artificial light.
What is the red light lamp for sleeping?
The red light lamp for sleeping emits a perfect combination of red light (660nm) and infrared (NIR 850nm) offering health benefits related to nighttime rest.
These lamps contain bulbs that emit a warmer light, including red and amber light. This type of bulb, compared to the typical bright white ones, promotes calm and relaxation, in addition to synchronizing the circadian rhythms.
What benefits does red light provide for sleeping?
Scientific evidence shows a wide variety of benefits that the red light lamp for sleeping provides. Among these benefits are the regulation of the sleep cycle, increased melatonin, therapeutic use for sleep problems, reduction of nighttime glare, and a lower probability of developing cancer than with blue light. Below, each of these benefits is detailed separately.
Regulation of the sleep cycle
At night, it is better to use a red light lamp for sleeping than a blue light.
In this regard, different researchers conducted a study published in the BMC Neuroscience journal, in which tests were conducted with pure colored lights to examine the effects of common white lights that tend toward blue, such as white fluorescents (1).
It is worth noting a characteristic of red light is its longer wavelength than blue. Therefore, it has less energy to interact with the photoreceptors in the retina that are responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm (2,3).
It was concluded that red light, compared to blue light, helps maintain the level of mental activity without nullifying the production of melatonin, establishing better control of the sleep cycle (1).
Increase in melatonin
Several scientific studies show that the red light lamp for sleeping helps maintain the level of melatonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating the sleep cycle. The difference between red and blue light lies in that blue-colored lights could decrease the production of melatonin released by the brain at night.
What function does melatonin have during sleep?
The melatonin hormone helps regulate what is known as the “circadian rhythm”, the changes that can occur during the night such as heart rate and sleep that oscillates in periods of approximately 24 hours (2).
In summary, a blue light lamp, and therefore, less melatonin production could cause a higher probability of suffering a tumor, and above all, disrupt the sleep rhythms. According to Mariana, anyone who must stay awake to work at night may feel a little more sleepy with a red light, but the body will likely suffer less damage (1,2).
Insomnia and seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
The use of a red light lamp for sleeping could combat some sleep problems such as insomnia and SAD.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is also related to the melanin hormone, as if we produce enough of it at night, it will help us have a better rest. On the other hand, exposure to artificial blue lights could trigger sleep disturbances, and therefore, affect the circadian cycle (1).
The effect of the red light lamp for sleeping is also related to seasonal affective disorder. Therefore, new technologies called “red light therapy” have been developed to combat emotional problems such as depression (13).
Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that generally occurs every year during fall and winter. Therefore, using a red light lamp for sleeping can help combat it. Red light therapy panels are designed to deliver a therapeutic dose of bright light to treat the symptoms of this disorder (13,14).
The summary of all these benefits is based on the fact that the wavelengths of red light favor the production of melatonin, the natural hormone that regulates your sleep cycle.
Buy red light lamp for sleeping
Below are a series of red light devices to improve nighttime rest. Enter the links and buy quickly and easily!
Este dispositivo de Terapia de Luz Roja Nebula LED 300W cuenta con una tecnología de luz roja avanzada, llegando a longitudes de onda de 660/850nm.
El dispositivo Nebula nos permite combinar la terapia infrarroja y terapia de luz para rejuvenecer nuestra piel de forma óptima y aliviar el dolor.
Además, ofrece un alto rendimiento debido a la potente lámpara de infrarrojos de 300W, la cual proporciona una exposición a la luz roja consistente y de gran potencia.
¡Lista para tratar una curación mejorada y beneficios calmantes con este eficiente panel de luz roja!
This professional red light therapy panel, similar to the effect that the red light lamp for sleeping could provide, promotes a better appearance of the skin, maximizes sleep quality for better sleep, stimulates cellular energy, and allows for faster recovery.
Esta Luz Nocturna Roja enchufable con Sensor es una solución ideal para aquellas personas que buscan un mejor descanso durante la noche.
Cuenta con una tecnología 100% libre de luz azul y verde, interruptor de atenuación ajustable y sensor automático (de atardecer a amanecer).
The features of this red night light that you can place in your red light lamp for sleeping are:
- 100% Free of Blue and Green Light: Ensures no interference with your circadian rhythm or sleep quality.
- Adjustable Dimming: Control the light intensity according to your needs and preferences.
- Automatic Sensor: Turns the light on at dusk and off at dawn, without you having to worry about doing it manually.
In addition to the red light lamp for sleeping, we have these red lens glasses, which block blue and green light, improving sleep quality. They are considered the most optimal night glasses on the market.
Las gafas rojas de NICE MOOD contienen unas lentes rojas que bloquean la luz azul y verde, las cuales ayudan a optimizar el sueño y equilibrar las hormonas.
Estas lentes rojas de grado óptico bloquean el 100 % de la luz azul y verde en el rango de 400 nm a 550 nm, evitando la reducción la melatonina y su influencia negativa en el sueño.
Este modelo presenta un marco negro sólido que contrasta con patillas de madera natural, creando un diseño urbano y contemporáneo.
Risks associated with red light for sleeping
The biological clock at night can be disturbed by excessive exposure to light, causing social, ecological, behavioral, and health consequences.
Above all, it has been indicated that people who are exposed to electric light for long hours at night are the most affected, highlighting night workers.
Breast cancer
We must be especially careful with the lights we use before sleeping, as they may be related to the appearance of long-term diseases. This is a reason why it is recommended to use the red light lamp for sleeping.
In fact, it has been stated that although using a red light lamp for sleeping could make us feel a little sleepier, it is healthier for our body, and we will suffer less damage.
Regarding breast cancer and nighttime light, various studies have been conducted to understand the mechanisms involved and associated with cancer and the red light lamp.
On the other hand, in 2007, the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated that in work, a job rotation could have a higher probability of developing human cancer.
In fact, around 15-20% of the total active population is affected by performing shift work, especially those workers involved in the health care, transportation, communications, leisure, and hospitality sectors.
It has been concluded that shift work in which one has to work at night, and be exposed to artificial light, is the most influential in the circadian sleep rhythm.
Mood changes
The use of artificial nighttime light has led to changes in mood, mainly as a result of increased irritability, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating, in addition to increasing depression problems (10,11). For this reason, the use of a red light lamp for sleeping is recommended.
People who do not use a red light lamp for sleeping could also be more vulnerable to immersing themselves in the world of drugs and alcohol (12). Therefore, it is very difficult to differentiate how nighttime light contributes to the various alterations that a night worker may suffer, as they are not only exposed to light pollution but also to sleep deprivation and circadian rhythm disturbances. These are factors that cause a large number of these physiological and behavioral alterations.
As we have seen, the red light lamp for sleeping offers a large number of health benefits, especially related to better rest and control of the circadian rhythm.
In this regard, the benefits to highlight derived from the use of this lamp are sleep regulation, increased melatonin, therapeutic use for sleep problems, reduction of nighttime glare, and a lower probability of developing cancer than with blue light.
We must also take into account the risks associated with excessive exposure to artificial light at night, especially those that do not provide red light, but rather a bluer light. Therefore, spending a lot of time in front of screens with artificial blue light, or working night shifts under these conditions could pose a higher risk of developing cancer in the long term.
Another effect we can notice when exposed to LAN instead of using the red light lamp for sleeping is changes related to mood, as well as increased irritability and vulnerability.
Bibliographic references
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