Spirulina Mercadona: Benefits and Adverse Health Effects

In this article, we will describe what spirulina is at a scientific level, as well as the benefits and adverse effects of Mercadona spirulina.

✎ Autor:  Yolanda

In this article, we will describe what spirulina is at a scientific level, as well as the benefits and adverse effects of Mercadona spirulina.

On the other hand, we will analyze the nutritional value of this product and mention some examples to buy online alternatives to Mercadona spirulina.

What is spirulina?

Spirulina is known commercially by this name, but its scientific name is attributed to two species: Arthrospira platensis and A. maxima.

Specifically, it is a blue-green marine algae used as a superfood with extensive health benefits due to its great nutritional composition: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a higher protein content.

Other superfoods classified in this category are moringa, cocoa, and chia (1,2).

For this reason, this product has been expanding commercially in large supermarkets, with Mercadona spirulina being one of the most well-known today (1).

It is worth noting that the main difference between the two species of cyanobacteria focuses on their geographical location.

That is, Spirulina platensis is native to Lake Chad (Africa), while Spirulina maxima is initially found in Mexico (Lake Texcoco) (2).

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has reported that spirulina is a bacterium whose origin dates back 3.5 billion years, whose main ability is to use dissolved carbon dioxide in saltwater as a nutrient source to reproduce (1).

Additionally, Mercadona spirulina is characterized as a photosynthetic cyanophyte, capable of growing rapidly in places with high solar illumination, at great heights, and when seawater is alkalinized.

This cyanobacterium can be found in soil, swamps, freshwater, brackish water, seawater, and hot springs. Moreover, for spirulina production to be profitable, alkaline saline water must be > 30 g/l with a pH between 8.5-11.0 (3).

spirulina color

Nutritional value of Mercadona spirulina

According to the nutritional analysis of the different Mercadona spirulina products we can find in the supermarket, we can summarize it in the following table (4):


Per 100 g

Per serving/capsule (1 mg)

Energy (kcal) 336 1
Carbohydrates (g)

of which sugars (g)



Fats (g)

of which saturated (g)





Proteins (g) 71 <0.5
Dietary fiber (g) 11 g <0.5
Salt (g) 1.7 <0.01
Cholesterol (g) 0 0
Iron (mg) 28.5
Potassium (mg) 1363

Due to its nutritional composition, Mercadona spirulina in the world of sports is frequently used to fortify protein shakes and other vegan foods.

Its main function is to provide energy and achieve muscle recovery after performing intense physical exercises.

Additionally, its high protein content, and minerals such as iron and potassium are ideal for increasing physical performance (4).

However, it is not only used by athletes, but any person who feels fatigued or tired could consume this product.

Nutritional value of Mercadona spirulina

Therapeutic properties of Mercadona spirulina

The most common therapeutic and health properties of Mercadona spirulina derive from the compilations collected in the following table (3):




Agrobiology: An overview and its applications Ramírez, L. Spirulina helps prevent tumors, participates in the reduction of hyperlipidemia, has an antidiabetic, antihypertensive effect, and is capable of modulating the immune system.
The algae extract that surpasses remdesivir in blocking the Covid-19 virus ABC, S. Algae contain macromolecules with antiviral power and specific against SARS-CoV2.
Effect of Spirulina (Arthrospira) maxima on muscle damage and body composition in professional boxers. Castro-Zamora, AA. Arthospira presents an antioxidant power, and is useful for athletes who suffer damage to muscle fibers.
Medical application of Spirulina platensis Qian L., Yinghong H., Ronghua Z., Tiange C. & Yu C. Spirulina along with C-PC act as immunomodulators, anti-inflammatories, are capable of eliminating cataracts, cardiovascular protector, renoprotector, hepatoprotector, neuroprotector.
Effect of supplementation with Arthrospira, maxima on arterial hypertension: a systematic review Ferreyros-Putnam, V. & Ponticel-Tello, KS. The consumption of this supplement led to a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure.
Spirulina in Colombia: an approach to its potential according to international research Arévalo, MR., Orduz, SA., Quitian, WT. & Martínez, C. In Colombia, spirulina is recognized as a great nutraceutical, antioxidant, and antimicrobial.

Adverse health effects of Mercadona spirulina

Currently, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has recognized spirulina as “generally safe,” as trials have been conducted with high doses in animal models without observing any acute, subacute, or chronic toxicity (5).

However, it has been mentioned that the use of Mercadona spirulina in humans could have adverse health effects. Of the possible adverse reactions, the following stand out (5):

  • Headache
  • Vasomotor damage
  • Sweating
  • Myalgias
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Acute rhabdomyolysis
  • Immunological blister alteration
  • Pemphigus foliaceus
  • Hepatotoxicity
ℹ It is worth noting that the spirulina cyanobacterium produces a non-essential amino acid for humans known as beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), which is considered neurotoxic and has been associated with neurodegenerative processes (5).

headache concentration

How is Mercadona spirulina used?

We must keep in mind that Mercadona spirulina is considered a food, not a medicine.

[article ids=”53158″] However, it is true that more and more medicines are being made based on this cyanobacterium, as its consumption is safe in appropriate doses, without serious adverse effects.

It is worth noting the possibility of side effects such as a skin rash, thirst, constipation, alteration of the activity of other medications.

For this reason, to consume Mercadona spirulina, we must consider a series of considerations (3):

  • Symptoms of mild gastric discomfort in people who do not usually consume algae.
  • The ability of spirulina to stimulate the immune system could be a reason to ration its consumption in those who suffer from autoimmune diseases or use drugs to suppress the immune system.
  • The presence of phenylalanine in the composition of spirulina is not indicated for people suffering from phenylketonuria.
ℹ For these reasons, a recommended daily dose of 1 to 4 grams has been established. However, the characteristics of the individual will influence the dose prescribed by a medical professional.

“Spirulina can help us lose weight. Thanks to its high protein content, it helps us feel full for longer.”

Spirulina in foods

In addition to the Mercadona spirulina capsules mentioned previously, this superfood can also be found in other products such as cookies, nutritional bars, yogurts, spaghetti, and prepackaged drinks.

However, during the manufacturing process of these products, the final nutritional properties may be modified (2).

[article ids=”72752″] For this reason, recent research has been conducted with the aim of ensuring the best nutritional properties derived from spirulina thanks to the addition of bacteria from the Bacillus genus.

Through this bacterial incorporation, it has been possible to improve the content of flavonoids and polyphenols, increasing the antioxidant content, specifically of 1,1-diphenyl 1-2-dinitrophenylhydrazine, as well as the ability to combat free radicals (2).

ℹ It is of vital importance to highlight the scientific discovery of new spirulina product supplements as an alternative to traditional Mercadona spirulina capsule formulas.
spirulina cookies
Additionally, some research and reviews have been conducted to understand the role of Mercadona spirulina in nutrition (3):




Weightlifting Paper Natural and organic nutritional supplement without chemical additives, used by athletes to increase their physical efforts.
Business plan for spirulina cereal to strengthen the immune system of the inhabitants of the La Molina district during Covid. Llacctahuaman-Pillaca, SR., Martinez-Calixtro, EJ., Medina-Huaringa, CO. & Mostacero-Manayay, VN. A cereal based on spirulina was manufactured to strengthen the immune system of people affected by Covid.
“Development and evaluation of an instant product based on the mixture of barley flour and spirulina in children under ten years old” Malaga-Rosas, I. Spirulina became a very protein-rich food to help nutritional recovery. Specifically, spirulina flour contains 65.16% protein, while barley flour contains only 12.5% protein.
Dietary supplement for weight control Guillen-Martín del Campo, JA. et al. Spirulina was used in a feeding program as an aid to suppress appetite and as an antioxidant immunomodulator. The results obtained were very good.
Spirulina-based toasts Atoche-Valdiviezo, DA. et al Spirulina toasts with strawberry, orange, and honey flavor were made to obtain a very nutritious and visual food.
Increase of proteins in cocoa liquor using spirulina Alberto, A. et al. It was possible to protein fortify a cocoa liquor using spirulina to make chocolate.

How to use Mercadona spirulina?

Mercadona spirulina comes in tablets, which greatly facilitates its consumption. Here are some ways to incorporate it into your diet:

  • Add it to your smoothies: The most common way to consume spirulina is to add it to your smoothies. You just have to crush one or two tablets and add them to your smoothie.
  • Incorporate it into your recipes: You can also crush the spirulina tablets and add them to your favorite recipes. You can incorporate it into soups, salads, pasta, etc.
  • Take it as a supplement: If you prefer, you can also take the Mercadona spirulina tablets as a supplement. You just have to follow the instructions on the package.

Before finishing, we want to make it clear that, although spirulina has many health benefits, it should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. It is always important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to stay in shape.

Additionally, if you have any illness or are taking any medication, we recommend consulting your doctor before starting to take spirulina.

Buy Mercadona spirulina

Don’t have time to go shopping? Want to know where you can buy Mercadona spirulina online?

Below are some economical and healthy online options to buy this product:

Esta ESPIRULINA cuenta con la primera certificación Ecológica de España. Somos productores de SPIRULINA ecológica certificada y los primeros en un parque natural protegido. Esto garantiza una espirulina pura sin aditivos, sin pesticidas ni metales pesados.

El secado de esta espirulina se realiza a baja temperatura para evitar la pérdida de sus propiedades nutricionales.


La espirulina y la chlorella tienen grandes beneficios para tu bienestar y tu piel. Las nutritivas algas te proporcionan una porción extra de clorofila.

500 gránulos con espirulina y chlorella orgánicas de cultivo ecológico controlado. Toda la fuerza de la naturaleza para tu factor de belleza y bienestar.


Bibliographic references

  1. Jara-Valido, A. (2018). On the effects of consuming the cyanobacterium Arthospira (Spirulina) on health. Algae. Information bulletin of the Spanish Phycology Society.
  2. Silos-Vega, A. (2021). Health benefits associated with spirulina consumption. Universitarios Potosinos, 261: 12-17.
  3. Ochoa Galarza, K., & Moyano Calero, W. (2022). Applications of spirulina – marine plant: panoramic review. Health Science and Technology2: 174.
  4. Mercadona. (n.d.). Mercadona.es. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from https://www.mercadona.es/
  5. Cingi, C. et al. (October 2011). Evaluating the potential therapeutic properties of spirulina. Health and Science, 18 (6): 535-537.

Autor: Yolanda

imagen del autor del artículo


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