Korfball as an Alternative Sport in Physical Education

Treatment of an alternative sport called korfball in Physical Education. A sport that resembles what we know as basketball.

✎ Autor:  María Piquer Cebrián

We therefore analyze the discipline of korfball in physical education.

In the following article, you will find a possibility of non-traditional content to put into practice in the area of physical education, specifically an alternative sport called korfball, which at first may remind us of what we know as basketball.

What is korfball?

Korfball is an alternative sport that originates from the Netherlands. The main objective is to get a ball into a basket. It is classified as a collaboration-opposition sport, and its gameplay resembles basketball practice.

There are different ways to name the same sport: “Balónforf”; “Coorball” and “Korfball” (1). In the article, we refer to it with the last option: korfball. The word “Korf” means “basket” and “ball” means ball, so when we refer to Korfball, we are referring to a ball and basket game.

The main peculiarity of korfball in physical education is that it is played in two mixed teams of 8 players (4 women and 4 men), who must score points by getting the ball into the basket of the opposing team, which is located on a post 3.5 meters above the ground (2). Its main values are coeducation and non-differentiation based on gender.

The practice of korfball in physical education provides the opportunity to work on motivating, novel content and to offer new possibilities at a recreational level and for practicing physical activity or exercise outside the school environment (3).

korfball in physical education

Characteristics of korfball in physical education

  • As we have already mentioned, korfball in physical education is a collaboration-opposition sport, played in a mixed format. To achieve the sport’s objective, group cooperation is necessary and indispensable (4).
  • The playing field is 20×40 meters and is divided into two parts, one area for attacking and another for defending.
  • The total duration of the match is 60 minutes, divided into two halves of 30 minutes plus a 10-minute break.
  • Despite being mixed, there is not complete freedom of play or marking, as each boy will mark another boy from the opposing team, and each girl from a team will mark a girl from the opposing team.
  • Players cannot leave their half of the field. For this, each team is assigned the role of attack or defense based on the area, which does not change until a point is scored.
  • The pass is a fundamental element of the game, the main skill.
  • The player with the ball cannot move, having the options to dribble, pivot, shoot at the basket, or pass it to a teammate.
  • Teammates without the ball can move within their half to create spaces or passing lines.
  • Additionally, a series of aspects must be considered during the game:
    • You cannot touch a player from the opposing team.
    • It is forbidden to hit the ball with the fist, as well as to hit or take the ball from the opponent’s hands when it is in their possession.
    • It is not allowed to shoot at the basket when a player is acting as a defender.
    • As in basketball, you cannot touch the ball with your feet.
    • It is also not possible to mark a player of the opposite sex or a player who is already marked by another teammate.
    • It is mandatory to pass the ball to a teammate, and it is forbidden to hand it directly.
    • And it is not allowed to hold the ball for more than 4 seconds.

korfball in physical education

Educational value of korfball in physical education

Regarding the educational value of korfball in physical education, coeducation stands out above any other, seeking joint teaching to students of both sexes.

As we have mentioned, the main characteristic of this sport is mixed play, unlike all conventional sports where only people of one gender can play, with their participation being mandatory in different categories for this same reason, leading to female categories and leagues on one side and male on the other.

Additionally, it presents a greater participatory character than conventional sports, uses different materials such as the basket, uses teams differently than usual, modifies the form of play and structure of the field zones, and with all this, the basic principles of the game, making it novel and motivating for students.

A strong cooperation work is carried out among the players of the same team, as well as the development of responsibility and a sense of affiliation to the group, simultaneously stimulating social relationships.

korfball in physical education

Didactic unit of korfball in physical education

Below is a practical proposal for korfball in physical education with the possibility of development in compulsory secondary education and also with the adjustment of the basket height for the final years of primary education.

The proposal is based on a didactic unit of korfball in physical education, focused on the use of the cooperative work model (5) and follows the following application process:

  • First, an explanation and presentation of the didactic unit, the sport to be practiced, and the teaching model to be used is carried out.
  • After this, the next 2-3 sessions involve working in small groups where students must practice and solve problems (games) cooperatively, focusing on technical aspects of the game: different ways of passing, shooting, body positioning, etc.
  • Emphasizing individual responsibility for achieving group objectives, as well as the need for teamwork, in the next 2 sessions, team work is maintained, working on korfball tactics. In these sessions, there is reflection on the possibilities of complicating or facilitating tactics, technical complexities, and options for helping teammates that may arise.
  • The unit concludes with a practical application or real game situation by teams, where everything worked on so far is applied, giving more importance to the process than to the final result that may occur at the time of competition, valuing the teamwork carried out during the unit.

Below we show two of the sessions of the didactic unit of korfball in physical education developed:

didactic unit of korfball initial part

didactic unit of korfball initial part

didactic unit of korfball initial part

didactic unit of korfball initial part

Conclusions about korfball in physical education

Like all alternative sports, korfball in physical education has characteristics that differentiate it from conventional sports, giving it a superior educational value in its work.

Due to the novelty it represents for students, and the ease of working with a multitude of values directly while learning and internalizing concepts and knowledge that improve the motor aspects that need to be worked on at each stage.

The special characteristic of korfball is mixed play, which should be leveraged and emphasized in each student’s learning and work. Addressing equality and coeducation as fundamental aspects and values.

Bibliographic references

  1. Pérez, A. C. Didactic unit: korfball.
  2. Burga, M. and Emanuel, S. (2012) Alternative games and sports. Training Magazine No. 1. Work registered with the National Copyright Office. File No. 5034439.
  3. Fierro S., Haro, A., and García, V. (2016). Alternative sports in the educational field. Journal of Education, Motor Skills and Research, 6, 40-48
  4. Morago López-Vázquez, A. (2017). Analysis of motivation and attitude in relation to cooperative learning in physical education classes based on alternative sports: A didactic proposal. Retrieved from: https://repositorio.unican.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10902/13172/MoragoLopezVaquezAna.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  5. Grineski, S. (1996). Cooperative learning in physical education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  6. Castro Pérez, A. (2010). Didactic unit: korfball. Efdeportes. 14, 141.

Autor: María Piquer Cebrián

imagen del autor del artículo


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