Gudslip: the best product for better breathing

In this article, we will describe the benefits that gudslip provides us during the night, facilitating nasal breathing.

✎ Autor:  Yolanda

In this article, we will describe the benefits that the gudslip product provides for better breathing during the night.

What is gudslip?

Gudslip is a brand of products that improve sleep quality by facilitating breathing during the night, thus providing better rest.

This provider of nighttime sleep solutions was recently founded in 2024, in Barcelona. It stands out for its innovation, having been inspired by sleep technologies that have become trends in the United States.

This brand has the motto “All Sleep Gad“, which is where its name comes from, as its mission is to improve your nights and transform your days by sleeping better.

Benefits of gudslip

The benefits offered by gudslip products are varied and all have been backed by scientific evidence. Among them are (1,2,3):

  • Improvement of oxygen intake
  • Improves the quality of sleep
  • Improves athletic performance and respiratory health
  • Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
  • Treats dry mouth

Improvement of oxygen intake

The gudslip mouth tape promotes nasal breathing by optimizing the introduction of air into the airways.

The function of this mouth tape is to filter and humidify the air while the mouth remains closed, promoting better respiratory quality.

It is important to note that the mouth tapes offered by this brand are not just any adhesive tape, compared to other similar products available in stores that are placed on the mouth and/or lips. These tapes are minimally invasive, painless, and completely safe, compared to the risks that may arise from sleeping with a very strong adhesive tape covering the entire mouth.

Improves the quality of sleep

The eye masks from this brand block the entry of artificial light into your eyes when sleeping, in addition to providing a more peaceful sleep.

Therefore, these masks not only improve sleep quality but also reduce levels of stress and anxiety generated during the day, which could influence insomnia at night (1).

The gudslip eye masks are ideal for improving your mental health.


Gudslip in your sports training

The effectiveness of gudslip nasal strips in athletic performance and overall respiratory health has been demonstrated. In fact, athletes like Jonathan Alonso (Olympic boxer) and actor Jaime Lorente have used them with very positive results (2).

The results of using this nasal product show an improvement in airflow, and therefore, less effort when breathing, demonstrating better oxygen exchange during boxing training, according to Jonathan Alonso.

Actor Jaime Lorente uses these products to improve his performance during training aimed at staying in shape for his most demanding roles.

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Presentamos las tiras nasales Gudslip®: Diseñadas para mejorar la respiración nasal, estas tiras expanden los conductos nasales para mejorar el flujo de aire, reduciendo la congestión y los ronquidos. Cada bolsa proporciona un suministro para 30 días, ideal para lograr un sueño más tranquilo y reparador. Fáciles de aplicar y cómodas, las tiras nasales Gudslip® garantizan que te despiertes renovado. Experimenta la diferencia esta noche.


Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

In 2022, Lee, Y-C. et al. conducted a study to evaluate the effect of mouth taping in people with OSA problems, as these individuals tend to breathe primarily through the mouth.

To do this, 20 people diagnosed with mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea disorder were selected to ensure they remained with their mouths sealed all night without any issues.

ℹ The tape used during the intervention was hypoallergenic 3M silicone, completely safe and effective in changing breathing from mouth to nasal (3).

[article ids=”102613″] Once the participants were selected, they underwent a home test before and after a week of using this mouth tape to compare changes during sleep (3).

The results obtained showed a 65% effectiveness among the 20 participants. The average Apnea/Hypopnea Index was significantly reduced, with approximately a 47% reduction (3).

Another noteworthy aspect was the decrease in the frequency of snoring, as it was reduced by half from an average of 303.8 events to 121.1 events per hour (3).

This study concluded that the mouth tape from this brand could be a great initial treatment or supplement to combat mild OSA, especially in those who breathe through the mouth.

wakefulness and sleep

How to deal with noise with gudslip?

Gudslip presents 28 dB sound reducers, earplugs that will help you improve concentration during sleep.

The advantages offered by these earplugs are as follows (4):

  • Disappearance of quiet noises like breathing, the hum of a refrigerator, or the dishwasher
  • Significant reduction of noises heard in the next room, such as the television, street traffic, or the faucet
  • The strength of intense sounds like sirens, barking dogs, or fireworks will be considerably reduced, although they may still be heard

Other gudslip products

In addition to nasal strips, mouth tapes, eye masks, and sound reducers that we have mentioned, this brand has other interesting accessories for your rest. Among them is the travel pillow, sleep mask, and blue light blocking glasses.

Travel pillow

This pillow is specifically designed for frequent travelers, as it has incomparable advantages (6):

  • 360-degree ergonomic support
  • Adaptable memory foam
  • Easily washable.
  • Compact and portable

Sleep mask

Improves sleep by effectively blocking all light from our surroundings.

This sleep mask is made with a soft and comfortable material with an adjustable strap, ensuring a proper fit for a good and uninterrupted rest. Additionally, it is suitable for both home use and travel (6).

Blue light blocking glasses

The blue light blocking glasses are designed to prevent up to 100% of harmful blue light from reaching our eyes, avoiding visual fatigue and repairing sleep cycles.

These glasses contain a high-quality lightweight polycarbonate material, so durability is high. Additionally, they fit perfectly on any face size, making them ideal for those who spend a lot of time in front of a screen (6).

Experimenta una protección ocular incomparable con las gafas bloqueadoras de luz azul Gudslip®. Diseñadas para bloquear hasta el 100% de la luz azul dañina, estas gafas previenen la fatiga visual y promueven ciclos de sueño más reparadores.

Elaborados con policarbonato liviano de primera calidad, ofrecen comodidad y durabilidad durante todo el día. El ajuste elegante y universal garantiza que se vean geniales en cualquier tamaño de rostro, lo que los hace perfectos para cualquiera que pase tiempo frente a una pantalla.

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Risks associated with mouth taping during the night

Although we have already seen that the gudslip mouth tape is one of the best options to reduce snoring during the night and facilitate better breathing, we must take into account a series of considerations depending on some problems that some people may have when using other similar products that are not from this brand.

For example, people with a history of respiratory problems such as allergies or asthma should take special care and consult their doctor before using them. The complications that could arise are (5):

  • Increase in the severity of existing respiratory diseases
  • Skin irritation around the lips due to excessive use of adhesive materials throughout the night
ℹ However, it should be noted that gudslip mouth tapes are safe, minimally invasive, painless, unlike what happens when trying to sleep with a very strong adhesive tape covering the entire mouth.

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What problems can occur when we breathe through the nose with the mouth covered or “taping”?

Although it has always been mentioned that breathing through the nose is healthier than through the mouth, we must be especially careful in certain cases.

In fact, people who suffer from a cold, allergies, nasal infections, or polyps would have a higher probability of complicating their breathing if they close their mouth using the mouth tape mentioned earlier. This is because too much effort would be made to breathe only through the nose, promoting an oxygen deficiency, and therefore worsening sleep quality (5).

Another aspect to highlight is the case of asthma, as an asthma attack could occur during the night when sleeping with the mouth tape (5).

When using the mouth tape, we must be especially careful with pre-existing respiratory diseases”

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Gudslip products are ideal for promoting a calm, sufficient, and restorative sleep and rest.

Thanks to the benefits offered by some of their products like nasal strips, mouth tapes, sound reducers, or the travel pillow, we can improve oxygen intake, the quality of sleep, athletic performance, and respiratory health, use these products for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and dry mouth.

However, we must be especially careful when sleeping with mouth tapes if there is any respiratory problem such as allergies, asthma, or nasal polyps, as it could hinder nasal breathing during the night, and therefore worsen our rest.

Bibliographic References

  1. Nos, J. (2024, April 3). How Gudslip eye masks improve sleep quality. Gudslip®.
  2. Celebrities use Gudslip nasal strips while training. (n.d.). Gudslip®. Retrieved January 4, 2025, from
  3. Lee, Y.-C. et al. (2022). The impact of mouth-taping in mouth-breathers with mild obstructive sleep apnea: A preliminary study. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)10(9). Link
  4. Sound Reducers. (n.d.). Gudslip®. Retrieved January 5, 2025, from
  5. Is it useful to sleep with the mouth covered with adhesive tape? Is “taping” dangerous? (2024, September 6). National Geographic.
  6. Gudslip sleep solutions. (n.d.). Gudslip®. Retrieved January 8, 2025, from

“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What is Gudslip?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Gudslip is a term commonly associated with products or services related to high-quality sportswear or high-performance equipment.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What products does Gudslip offer?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Gudslip offers a range of products such as sports footwear, clothing, and accessories designed for optimal performance and comfort.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Where can I buy Gudslip products?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Gudslip products can be purchased through their official website, authorized retailers, and selected online marketplaces.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Are Gudslip products suitable for all sports?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes, Gudslip products are designed to support a variety of sports and physical activities, including running, training, and team sports.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Does Gudslip offer customization options?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Some Gudslip products may offer customization options, such as personalized designs or sizes for specific needs.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What materials are used in Gudslip products?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Gudslip uses high-quality, durable, and breathable materials to ensure comfort and durability in their products.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Does Gudslip have a return policy?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes, Gudslip has a return policy that allows customers to return or exchange products within a specific timeframe, usually indicated on their website.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How can I contact Gudslip customer service?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “You can contact Gudslip customer service through their official website via email, contact forms, or customer service lines.”

Autor: Yolanda

imagen del autor del artículo


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