Colpbol in Physical Education: An Alternative Sport

Colpbol is an alternative sport, very interesting as content within the subject of Physical Education, as a collaborative opposition sport.

✎ Autor:  María Piquer Cebrián

In the following article, the topic is Colpbol in physical education. A recently created alternative sport, which offers a great possibility as content within the subject of Physical Education, as a collaborative opposition sport.

Colpbol in physical education offers change, motivation, and diversity compared to other traditional sports. We will see it below.

How did Colpbol in physical education arise?

After the creation or origin of modern sport in the 19th century, sports were modified or new forms of games or structured and institutionalized sports appeared with characteristics different from those that already existed, seeking novelty, active participation of players both physically and cognitively, and fun, which results in a high degree of motivation.

The origin of Colpbol in physical education comes through a process of action-research in the daily practice of Physical Education classes.

Its creator aimed to come up with an idea of a team sport that would eliminate the limitations of what we know as traditional sport.

Promoting the highest possible participation, strong adherence and team spirit, leading to cooperation and collaboration and thus a necessary need for communication.

All of this led to the emergence of Colpbol in physical education.

colpbol in physical education

What is Colpbol?

Colpbol is a cooperation-opposition sport whose main objective is to differentiate itself from games and traditional sports and to address the deficiencies and insufficiencies in the teaching-learning process (1).

It is an alternative sport that aims to score in the opposing goal through hand strikes; its main rule is that only one strike per person is allowed without holding the ball.

This characteristic makes it a much more dynamic and participatory sport for students. It eliminates excessive play by a few players and promotes increased pace and tactical thinking.

Where is Colpbol played?

To answer this question, we must refer to Colpbol in physical education, as it originated there.

Colpbol in physical education emerged in 1997 in Valencia, led by a Physical Education teacher named Juan José Bendicho.

ℹ Currently, the horizons of Colpbol in physical education have expanded, and it is no longer only played in classes; there is now a league of its own, and it is considered a sport with its own rules, structure, and regulations.

It is not only played in the Valencia Community; it can be found in any part of Spanish territory, even in other countries in South America and Europe, Africa, and Asia.

colpbol in physical education

Characteristics and rules of Colpbol in physical education

Colpbol in physical education is played by two mixed teams of seven players who cooperate with each other. Its objective, as mentioned earlier, is to introduce a ball into the opposing goal through hand strikes.

What is the playing field like in Colpbol?

It is played on a futsal court, measuring 40 x 20 meters, with two goals measuring two by three meters and a spherical ball made of plastic, rubber, or synthetic material with a dynamic bounce.

Colpbol in Physical Education: An Alternative Sport
Figure 1. Colpbol field.

What is the ball like in Colpbol in physical education?

The Colpbol ball has an approximate weight of 180 grams to avoid hand injuries, as in colpbol the striking of the ball with the hands is constant.
The ball is designed this way to maximize bounce. The colpbol ball has a very dynamic bounce.

The ball will have a circumference of 65 to 72 centimeters (2). The field lines are as follows: sideline, end line, and 9-meter area line, marked by a dashed line.

Colpbol ball
Figure 2. Colpbol ball

What are the teams like in Colpbol?

The teams are mixed, and each player can only touch the ball once in each play, which requires a great effort in team communication and tactics, reducing the importance of technique, which in this sport, takes a back seat.

The main characteristic of colpbol in physical education that catches the students’ attention is novelty. It is proven that the increased perception of novelty by students positively influences their motivation, which increases enjoyment (2).

Although tactics are more important than technique, the basic skill players must have is striking, as this is part of the game’s foundation.

The ball can only be played through strikes with the hands, arms, or upper body, and no player can strike the ball twice consecutively; this is considered doubles (3).

What are the rules of Colpbol in physical education?

Below are a series of actions that are prohibited in the sport (4):

  • The ball can only be struck once.
  • The ball cannot be held, retained, or thrown.
  • Intentionally touching with legs or feet
  • The ball cannot be struck with a closed fist.
  • Holding, grabbing, or throwing the ball with one or both hands
  • No hitting or having unsportsmanlike or aggressive behavior with teammates.
  • Not respecting distances during throws

Regarding the duration of the match, it can be differentiated by age:

Colpbol match times

What values does Colpbol bring to physical education?

Colpbol in physical education is a team sport, the main values it promotes are cooperation, integration, and coeducation (4).

Since no player can touch the ball more than once in a row, individualism generated in many team sports is reduced.

Due to this, players need each other, creating high cooperation, as a player cannot create play alone and always needs the support of others.

It does not have a model to base itself on, so the stereotypes it generates are much lower than in other sports, it promotes diversity and gender equality through mixed teams and equal participation. It is a coeducational sport.

It presents a high level of dynamism, as it requires constant mobility from players to achieve game objectives, and as already mentioned, being novel increases student motivation.

This, added to the rest of the mentioned values and characteristics, makes it a great content to work on both inside and outside of Physical Education.

Colpbol alternative sport

How does colpbol promote teamwork in physical education?

Teamwork is one of the pillars of colpbol. Unlike other sports where one person can make a difference, in colpbol it is practically impossible for a player to win a match without the collaboration of their teammates.

The design of the game forces students to communicate, coordinate, and work together to achieve victory. This cooperation is beneficial both inside and outside the sports field, as students learn to trust others and value collective effort.

Moreover, this approach fosters an environment of mutual respect and solidarity, two essential values in the educational process.

Why is colpbol an excellent option for physical education in current times?

In a context where there is an increasing focus on promoting inclusion and participation of all students, colpbol presents itself as an excellent alternative for physical education classes.

ℹ This sport allows students to have fun and stay active while learning important values such as respect, cooperation, and equality.

Additionally, at a time when physical activity is more important than ever due to high levels of sedentary behavior, colpbol offers a dynamic and accessible option to keep students moving. Its low cost and ease of implementation make it an ideal choice for any educational center.

In summary, colpbol is much more than a sport. It is an educational tool that not only promotes physical development but also emotional and social development of students.

Its inclusive and cooperative approach makes it ideal for any group, regardless of age or skill level. That is why more and more educators are integrating it into their physical education classes, knowing that it offers benefits both individually and collectively.


In conclusion, it can be said that Colpbol in physical education is a sport that promotes the work of values, gender equality, participation of all, and dynamism and cognitive and motor work.

All of this makes it a special, different, and ideal content for its work within education, both in primary education and later in secondary education.

Bibliographic references

  1. Gómez Palacios, B. (2016). Colpbol, an alternative sport for the comprehensive teaching of invasion sports. Retrieved from:
  2. Martínez, A. H., Urbanos, I. M., & Olivares, S. C. (2019). Colpbol as a means to increase motivation in Primary Education. Challenges: new trends in physical education, sport, and recreation, (36), 348-353. Retrieved from:
  3. What is colpbol? Retrieved from:
  4. Paredes, D. (2013). Colpbol: a new team sport. EFdeportes. Digital magazine, 18 (183).
  5. Juanjo Bendicho. (2010). Colpbol, an integrative and equal sport. Carena Publishing
  6. Juanjo Bendicho. (2020). Colpbol, the sport where no one is left out. Fundamentals and Didactics. Ed. Altaveu

Autor: María Piquer Cebrián

imagen del autor del artículo


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