Alkanatur Discount Coupon

We present to you the maximum discount coupon for Alkanatur “MundoEntrenamiento”. Because you must take care of the water to start taking care of your health.

✎ Autor:  Pablo Sánchez

Have you ever thought about how the water you drink can influence your well-being? Well, today we have a surprise for you! We are here to talk to you about the incredible Alkanatur discount coupon that will not only improve the quality of the water you drink but also your quality of life.

We want to talk to you about water and the importance of filtration for our health. The water we currently drink contains a significant amount of toxins, parasites, microplastics, and plastic nanoparticles, which has raised concerns about the potential impacts on human health and the environment.

A recent study found that a liter of bottled water contains an average of 240,000 plastic particles, of which 90% are nanoparticles and the rest are microplastics.

These particles are so small that they can migrate through the tissues of the digestive tract or lungs into the bloodstream, distributing potentially harmful synthetic chemicals throughout the body and inside cells.

The presence of microplastics in drinking water is a growing concern, as micro and plastic nanoparticles have been found in the human placenta, human lung tissues, human feces, and human blood. All these toxins we ingest are endocrine disruptors that directly affect our health and especially our microbiota.

  • Depura, alcaliniza, hidrogena e ioniza el agua y aporta magnesio
  • pH 8,5 - 9,5
  • Producto certificado y fabricado en España
  • Única jarra del mercado con Normativa UNE 149101:2015* certificada por el laboratorio Oliver Rodés
  • Capacidad agua filtrada: 1,4 Litros 

What is Alkanatur and why should you know about it?

Alkanatur is not just a brand; it’s a revolution in the world of water.

With its innovative filtration systems, it offers us the highest quality alkaline water. Did you know that alkaline water has a lot of health benefits? From improving hydration to helping balance our body’s pH.

Benefits of alkaline water: a change for the better!

  • Improves hydration and nutrient absorption.
  • Helps neutralize acidity in the body.
  • Contributes to better digestive health.
  • Potential antioxidant to combat free radicals.
  • Depura, alcaliniza, hidrogena e ioniza el agua y aporta magnesio
  • pH 8,5 - 9,5
  • Producto certificado y fabricado en España
  • Única jarra del mercado con Normativa UNE 149101:2015* certificada por el laboratorio Oliver Rodés
  • Capacidad agua filtrada: 1,4 Litros 

The solution: water filtration

Fortunately, there is a solution: filter tap water. You will no longer need to buy bottled water, thus saving a lot of money on water purchases and, on the other hand, filtering all the harmful compounds in tap water, including chlorine, microplastics, and toxins it may contain.

A family of 4 consumes an average of 3,000 liters annually, which means more than €1,000 a year in bottled beverage purchases (which is also full of microplastics).

By purchasing a filtering jug or installing a tap filter, we will save a lot of money and take care of our health. Alkanatur is a company born in Galicia, at the University of Santiago de Compostela, which has specialized in water filtration for years.

Alkanatur Discount Coupon

Discover the Alkanatur discount coupon

This Alkanatur discount coupon “MundoEntrenamiento” is not just a discount; it’s the gateway to a world of well-being. With it, you can access Alkanatur products at a more affordable price. Are you ready to take the first step towards better health?

Este "Sistema de ultrafiltración Alkanatur Depure" bajo encimera con metal free:

  • Depura, alcaliniza, hidrogena e ioniza el agua y aporta magnesio 
  • Agua reestructurada, vitalizada y hexagonal
  • Del grifo a tu vaso
  • Filtración rápida

Alkanatur products you can’t miss



Alkanatur Jug Filters and alkalinizes water
Alkaline Bottle Perfect for carrying
Replacement Filter Keep your jug always ready
pH Test Kit Measure the quality of your water

How to choose a water filter jug?

Choosing a suitable water filter jug is important if we want to ensure effective filtration and the quality of the water consumed. Below are the key points to consider for this:

  • Filtration capacity: ensure the filtration capacity of the jug so that it can remove common water contaminants, such as chlorine, sediments, and possibly heavy metals. Check the manufacturer’s specifications to understand the types of contaminants it can remove.
  • Type of filter: we find different types of filters, such as those containing activated carbon, ion exchange resin, or other filtering materials. It is important to understand how it works and what specific substances it can remove. In fact, some water filter jugs also offer specialized filters to address specific issues.
  • Filter lifespan: ensuring the filter’s lifespan and the recommended frequency for changing it is crucial. Some water filter jugs come with indicators that alert you to the need to change it. Selecting a jug with an adequate filter lifespan helps us maintain a constant supply of purified water.
  • Size and design: consider the size of the jug based on needs, number of people, and available space in the refrigerator. Additionally, design and ease of use are also important, including the comfort of pouring water and refilling the water filter jug.
  • Material: it must be safe for food contact and free of BPA or other harmful chemicals to health. The material can also affect the taste of the water. So choose a water filter jug that does not transmit unwanted odors or flavors.
  • Filtration time: some jugs filter water more quickly than others. If speed is an important factor for you, choose models that offer fast filtration time without compromising water quality.
  • Total cost: calculate the total cost of the water filter jug, including its initial price, the cost of replacement cartridges, and any additional accessories it may require for proper operation. This will help you evaluate the long-term affordability of the option you are considering.
  • Reviews and opinions: research user reviews to get first-hand information about other people’s experiences with the filter jug you are considering buying. This helps provide relevant information on aspects such as durability, ease of use, and filtration effectiveness.

The Alkanatur Drops jug purifies up to 99% of water toxins, alkalinizes the pH to 9, and hydrogenates and ionizes. It is the only one on the market with ecological filters that add magnesium and are free of ion exchange resin.

Its plastic is 100% toxin-free and certified by the IBS of the University of Granada (Dr. Nicolás Olea).

Alkanatur Drops is also the first filter jug with UNE standards analyzed in the prestigious Oliver Rodés laboratory.

  • Depura, alcaliniza, hidrogena e ioniza el agua y aporta magnesio
  • pH 8,5 - 9,5
  • Producto certificado y fabricado en España
  • Única jarra del mercado con Normativa UNE 149101:2015* certificada por el laboratorio Oliver Rodés
  • Capacidad agua filtrada: 1,4 Litros 

Which water filter jug to buy?

Due to its evidence and supporting studies, we undoubtedly recommend the Alkanatur water filter jug. Designed and manufactured in Spain. Plastic completely free of endocrine disruptors, certified by the Biosanitary Research Institute, belonging to the University of Granada (Doctor Nicolás Olea).

  • Depura, alcaliniza, hidrogena e ioniza el agua y aporta magnesio
  • pH 8,5 - 9,5
  • Producto certificado y fabricado en España
  • Única jarra del mercado con Normativa UNE 149101:2015* certificada por el laboratorio Oliver Rodés
  • Capacidad agua filtrada: 1,4 Litros 

Alkanatur Drops filter jug

Alkanatur Drops is the first filter jug with UNE 149101:2015* standards analyzed in the prestigious Oliver Rodés laboratory. In this analysis, we can observe how the filters of the Alkanatur Drops jug significantly eliminate the presence of certain substances in tap water, such as antimony, arsenic, benzene, copper, nitrate, nitrite, various pesticides, lead, selenium, trihalomethanes, aluminum, ammonium, chlorine, iron, among others.

This jug purifies 99% of water toxins: Chlorine Heavy metals Microplastics Trihalomethanes Nitrites Bacteria Pesticides Fluorides Additionally, it alkalinizes (pH9), hydrogenates, and ionizes. It is the only one on the market with ecological filters that add magnesium and are free of ion exchange resin.

Its plastic is 100% toxin-free and certified by the IBS of the University of Granada. Sometimes, no matter how much water we drink, we don’t quench our thirst. This is surely due to a lack of minerals in the water you drink. With the jug, you notice that this water satisfies you.

Alkanatur discount coupon

From we have reached an agreement with Alkanatur so that all our followers have a unique discount. The maximum possible Alkanatur discount coupon on all filtering products. To do this, you just have to incorporate the coupon into your Alkanatur shopping cart.

We hope you enjoy it and remember that the water we drink has a direct impact not only on proper hydration but also on maintaining proper health, avoiding microbiota problems and endocrine disruptors like microplastics.

If you apply the Alkanatur discount coupon, you will have the largest discount available on the market.

  • Depura, alcaliniza, hidrogena e ioniza el agua y aporta magnesio
  • pH 8,5 - 9,5
  • Producto certificado y fabricado en España
  • Única jarra del mercado con Normativa UNE 149101:2015* certificada por el laboratorio Oliver Rodés
  • Capacidad agua filtrada: 1,4 Litros 

It has an Alkanatur Drops filter.

The Alkamicronized selective® technology allows them to filter for 400 liters (1 filter) a chlorine-free, fluoride-free, pesticide-free, nitrate-free, heavy metal-free (lead, mercury, cadmium, copper, aluminum, and arsenic) and trihalomethanes up to 99% water.

Provides antioxidants and hydrogen through its cutting-edge technology.

Does not reproduce the dreaded bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium perfringens, and coliform bacteria.

It meets the highest European quality standards and under Royal Decree 140/2003, which establishes the health criteria for the quality of water for human consumption.

How to apply the Alkanatur discount code in our shopping cart?

To apply the Alkanatur discount coupon, follow these steps:

  1. Add Products to Your Cart: Browse the Alkanatur website and select the products you want to buy. Add them to your shopping cart.
  2. Go to the Shopping Cart: Click on the cart or basket icon, usually located in the upper right corner of the website, to review the products you have chosen.
  3. Look for the Field for the Alkanatur discount coupon: On the shopping cart page, look for a field where you can enter a discount code. This field is usually labeled as “Discount Code,” “Coupon,” “Promotional Code,” or something similar.
  4. Enter the Alkanatur discount coupon: Type or paste the code into the designated field for the discount code. Make sure to write it exactly as it appears, respecting uppercase and lowercase letters.
  5. Apply the Alkanatur discount coupon: Click the button to apply the coupon, which may say “Apply,” “Use coupon,” or something similar.
  6. Verify the Alkanatur discount coupon: Check that the Alkanatur discount code has been correctly applied to your purchase total. The discount should be reflected in the order summary.
  7. Continue with the Purchase Process: If the discount has been applied correctly and you are satisfied with the order, proceed to complete your purchase by entering your shipping and payment information.

If you encounter any problems trying to apply the Alkanatur discount coupon, I recommend contacting Alkanatur’s customer service for assistance.

Alkanatur discount coupon

Alkanatur discount code

With the Alkanatur water filter jug, you will ensure that the water you ingest is free of toxins, microplastics, or any type of bacteria.

Remember that if you apply the Alkanatur discount coupon, you will have the largest possible discount.


Remember, water is not just a drink; it is a vital source of health. With the Alkanatur discount coupon, you are one step away from giving your body the care it deserves.

Alkanatur discount coupon

Bibliographic references

  1. Koelmans AA, Mohamed Nor NH, Hermsen E, Kooi M, Mintenig SM, De France J. Microplastics in freshwaters and drinking water: Critical review and assessment of data quality. Water Res. 2019 May 15;155:410-422.
  2. Guidelines for drinking-water quality: Fourth edition incorporating the first and second addenda [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022.
  3. Mason, S. A., Welch, V. G., & Neratko, J. (2018). Synthetic polymer contamination in bottled water. Frontiers in chemistry, 407.
  4. Qian, Naixin et al. Rapid single-particle chemical imaging of nanoplastics by SRS microscopy (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 10.1073/pnas.2300582121

Autor: Pablo Sánchez

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Physical Education Teacher. Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (UDC). Graduate in Primary Education, mention in Physical Education (UEM). Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching (UDC).

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