4-day gym routine

Discover how a 4-day-a-week gym routine can maximize your physical and mental results.

✎ Autor:  Carles Gregori

In this article we want to discover how a 4 day gym routine can maximize your physical and mental results.

In a world where time is increasingly scarce, optimizing our training programs is crucial. This article analyzes in detail different 4 day gym routine, highlighting their advantages and versatility.

From preventing overtraining to strengthening motivation, we will explore various routine modalities, planning tips, and the incorporation of cardio, all to maximize physical and mental results.

What are the benefits of 4 day gym routine?

Incorporating a 4-day-a-week gym routine provides us with a series of benefits capable of enhancing both your physical achievements and your mental well-being (10). Below, we delve into the most notable ones:

Schedule flexibility

One of the most striking qualities of a 4-day gym routine lies in the flexibility it offers in time management (2).

Unlike more frequent routines, which can become difficult to maintain for individuals with unpredictable schedules, a 4 day gym routine approach provides a greater margin to modulate exercise sessions according to work and personal obligations.

Prevention of overtraining

The balance between training and rest days is proposed as a pillar to enhance recovery and performance.

With three days of rest and recovery per week, a 4 day gym routine establishes an optimal balance that helps avoid overtraining (4).

This balance provides enough time for muscle regeneration and tissue restoration, two crucial factors for long-term progress.

Improvement of adherence and motivation

Sports psychology is an often underestimated but crucial component for long-term success. The consistency offered by a 4 day gym routine can be a strong motivator, contributing to greater commitment and adherence to training (3).

When people find it easier to follow a training program, they are more likely to stay committed, which in turn leads to more effective and sustainable results.

“The perfect is the enemy of the good” Voltaire

4  gym routine variants

Below we analyze several types of 4 day gym routines.

Push Pull Legs (PPL) routine

The Push Pull Legs routine divides training sessions into three fundamental blocks: pushing actions, pulling actions, and leg training.

Each of these elements focuses on a particular muscle group, thus providing a more effective regeneration period between training sessions (5).

Traditionally, this 4 day gym routine has consisted of three training days and one rest day, repeating the cycle. However, we will now adapt it to a 4-day gym routine.

4-day gym routine

Advantages of the 4 day gym routine

  • Allows focused recovery of specific muscle groups.
  • Offers flexibility in exercise selection.

Common exercises and movement selection

  • Push: Focuses on muscles like the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Examples of exercises include bench press, push-ups, and lateral raises.
  • Pull: This component focuses on the back and biceps. The high pulley pulldown, dumbbell row, and pull-ups are classic examples.
  • Legs: Here you train the entire lower body. Squats, quadriceps extensions, lunges, or deadlifts are the best exercises for this.

Example of a 4-day PPL routine

Day 1: Push

Day 2: Pull

Day 3: Legs

Day 4: Full Body

Bench Press 4 x 10 Pull-ups 4 x 10 Squats 4 x 10 Deadlift 4 x 12
Machine Dips 3 x 12 Dumbbell Row 3 x 12 Leg Press 3 x 12 T-Bar Row 3 x 12
Lateral Raises 3 x 15 Face Pulls 3 x 15 Quadriceps Extensions 3 x 15 Military Press 4 x 12

4 day gym routine torso leg type

The Torso/Leg routine focuses on alternating between workouts targeting the torso (chest, back, shoulders) and the legs.

It is particularly oriented towards improving brute strength and hypertrophy and is effective when used with proper periodization (6). This 4 day gym routine is easy to adapt to a 4-day gym routine.


  • Focused on compound exercises.
  • Efficient for strength and muscle size development.

Common exercises and movement selection

Torso: Bench press for the chest, pull-ups for the back, and military press for the shoulders.

Legs: Squats for the quadriceps, deadlifts for hamstrings and glutes, and lunges for adductors.

Example of a 4-day torso leg routine

Day 1: Upper Body A

Day 2: Lower Body A

Day 3: Upper Body B

Day 4: Lower Body B

Bench Press 4 x 8-10 Squats 4 x 8-10 Incline Dumbbell Press 4 x 8-10 Lunges 4 x 8-10
Barbell Row 4 x 8-10 Leg Press 3 x 10-12 Parallel/Machine Dips 3 x 8-10 Hip Thrust 3 x 8-10
Military Press 3 x 8-10 Quadriceps Extensions 3 x 12-15 Face Pulls 3 x 12-15 Calf Press 3 x 12-15
Pull-ups 3 x 6-10 Hamstring Curl 3 x 12-15 Push-ups 4 x 10-12 Machine Abductors 3 x 12-15
Bicep Curl 3 x 10-12 Calf Raise 3 x 15-20 Hammer Curl 3 x 10-12 Plank 3 x to failure
Triceps Pushdown 3 x 10-12 Dumbbell Skull Crushers 3 x 10

Con esta rutina tendrás decenas de ejercicios con soporte fotográfico y con una rigurosa progresión. Podrás potenciar el tren inferior ejecutando los múltiples ejercicios con soporte visual de los que dispone la rutina.


5×5 strength routine adapted to 4 gym day routine

The 5×5 routine is extremely effective for developing brute strength, as it focuses on compound exercises performed in 5 sets of 5 repetitions.

This method has been endorsed for short-term strength gains (7). This method is very easy to adapt to a 4 day gym routine, as it does not pre-establish training days per week per se.


  • Maximizes strength gains.
  • Simplifies training by focusing on a few compound exercises.

Common exercises and movement selection
Squats, bench press, deadlift, and military press.

Example of a 4 day gym routine 5×5

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Bench Press 5 x 5 Military Press 5 x 5 Bench Press 5 x 5 Military Press 5 x 5
Squats 5 x 5 Deadlift 5 x 5 Squats 5 x 5 Deadlift 5 x 5
T-Bar Row 4 x 8-10 Pull-ups 4 x 6-10 Lateral Raises 3 x 10-12 Pull-ups 4 x 6-10
Push-ups 3 x 10-12 Bicep Curl 3 x 8-10 Triceps Pushdown 3 x 10-12 Hammer Curl 3 x 10-12
Calf Raises 3 x 12-15 Plank 3 x failure Push-ups 3 x 6-12 Ab Wheel 3 x 5-8

4 day gym routine full body

This program is designed to involve the entire body in each exercise session. Its foundation is based on research showing the feasibility of achieving substantial improvements in muscle endurance and power through adequate recovery between sets (8).

This routine can be adapted to the days we need, but in this case, we have laid it out in a 4-day gym routine.

Advantages of this 4 day gym routine full body

  • Versatile and adaptable to different goals.
  • Ideal for those who cannot train many days a week.

Common exercises and movement selection
Sumo squats, bench press, barbell row, and military press.

Example of a 4-day full body gym routine

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Bench Press 3 x 8-10 Deadlift 3 x 6-8 Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10 Front Squats 3 x 8-12
Squats 3 x 8-10 Military Press 3 x 8-10 Hip Thrust 3 x 8-10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 10
Barbell Row 3 x 8-10 Pull-ups 3 x 8-10 Machine Row 3 x 8-10 Neutral Pull-ups 3 x 6-10
Parallel Dips 2 x 10-12 Lunges 2 x 10-12 Hammer Curl 2 x 10-12 Quadriceps Extensions 3 x 10-12
Bicep Curl 2 x 10-12 Plank 3 x failure Machine Triceps Dips 2 x 10-12 Quadriceps Press 3 x 10-15
Calf Raise 3 x 12-15 Abdominal Crunch 3 x 20-25 Skull Crushers 2 x 10-12

Below we leave you a completely free full body gym routine for you to download.

Para todos aquellos que deseen descargar la rutina os dejamos el enlace a continuación. Es una rutina totalmente gratis. Sólo tenéis que dejarnos vuestro email y os la enviaremos a vuestra bandeja de entrada de forma inmediata.

With cardio vs. without cardio?

The interaction between cardiovascular work and strength and hypertrophy training is a controversial topic that has sparked debates in the fitness community.

Although for some cardiovascular and strength training might be distinct workouts, empirical evidence suggests that training them together, appropriately, provides us with multiple benefits.

Below we will see the arguments in favor and the considerations to take into account to include it in our 4-day gym routine.

4-day gym routine cardio

Arguments in favor of cardio

Cardio, by enhancing heart health and promoting muscle recovery through circulatory stimulation and reduction of lactic acid in muscle fibers (1), redefines its conception as it can help us in complementary aspects to strength training and in the recovery of our training.

Moderate cardio does not inhibit improvements in strength or musculature, especially when strategically planned (9).

In fact, it could complement strength training by improving the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, allowing for more sustained and effective strength training, benefiting us in our 4 day gym routine.

Arguments against cardio

On the other hand, extensive or high-intensity cardio has been criticized for its potential to interfere with strength and muscle size gains.

This criticism is based on the concept of “interference,” where the simultaneous performance of resistance and aerobic training could inhibit muscle adaptations.

This effect is particularly notable in individuals who perform high-intensity or long-duration cardio along with strength training in the same session, and whose use we must limit and plan appropriately in our 4-day gym routine.

How to balance them in a 4-day gym routine

Below we will see how to balance all the variants in a 4-day gym routine.

Choice of cardio type

Select forms of cardio that are less detrimental to the muscles you are training. For example, opt for swimming or cycling instead of running when focused on the lower body.

Timing of the 4 day gym routine

Perform cardio and strength training at different times of the day or on separate days to maximize recovery.

Intensity and duration of the 4 day gym routine

Opt for short-duration cardiovascular activity sessions (20-30 minutes), maintaining moderate intensity, with the intention of minimizing the impact on muscle restoration.


Ensure appropriate nutrition before and after sessions that combine cardiovascular exercise and strength training, with the purpose of optimizing regeneration and muscle gains.

4 day gym routine. Who is each one for?

Depending on the level of each person, one or another 4-day gym routine will be more suitable and pertinent. Let’s move on to the recommendations.

For beginners in physical conditioning, the Full Body routine is ideal for familiarizing themselves with different movements. Intermediates can opt for Push Pull Legs (PPL) or Torso Leg routines, which offer greater intensity and specialization in muscle groups.

PPL is better for aesthetics and balanced muscle development, while the 4-day gym routine torso/leg type is for brute strength development. Advanced athletes can benefit from the 5×5 routine, which focuses on heavy compound lifts to maximize strength and efficiency.

4-day gym routine

El Programa de Entrenamiento con drop sets, es una rutina enfocada a maximizar tu ganancia de masa muscular, empleando un método respaldado por la ciencia.

Esta herramienta del entrenamiento consiste en realizar inicialmente una serie con carga elevada, bajas repeticiones y llevadas al fallo muscular. Inmediatamente después, sin tiempo de descanso, se reduce la carga entre un 20-40% del peso total y se vuelve a realizar el máximo número de repeticiones.


ℹ The 4 day gym routine presents a balance that can be adapted to various skill levels and particular goals.

Whether you are starting in the field of physical conditioning or are an experienced athlete, there is a 4 day gym routine that suits your requirements.

Complemented with a cardiovascular activity strategy and appropriate nutrition, this plan ensures firm and lasting achievements. Therefore, if you are looking for an exercise program that combines efficiency and flexibility, a 4 day gym routine could be the ideal solution you are pursuing.

Bibliographic references

  1. Wilson, J. M., Marin, P. J., Rhea, M. R., Wilson, S. M. C., Loenneke, J. P., & Anderson, J. C. (2012). Concurrent training: a meta-analysis examining interference of aerobic and resistance exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(8), 2293–2307.
  2. MacDougall, J. D., Gibala, M., Tarnopolsky, M., MacDonald, J., Interisano, S., & Yarasheski, K. (1995). The time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis following heavy resistance exercise: 367. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 27(Supplement), S66.
  3. Fox, K. R. (1999). The influence of physical activity on mental well-being. Public Health Nutrition, 2(3A), 411–418.
  4. Kreher, J. B. (2016). Diagnosis and prevention of overtraining syndrome: an opinion on education strategies. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 7, 115–122.
  5.  Ogasawara, R., Yasuda, T., Ishii, N., & Abe, T. (2013). Comparison of muscle hypertrophy following 6-month of continuous and periodic strength training. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113(4), 975–985.
  6. Schoenfeld, B. J., Ratamess, N. A., Peterson, M. D., Contreras, B., Sonmez, G. T., & Alvar, B. A. (2014). Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well-trained men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(10), 2909–2918.
  7. Neves, R. P., Vechin, F. C., Teixeira, E. L., da Silva, D. D., Ugrinowitsch, C., Roschel, H., Aihara, A. Y., & Tricoli, V. (2022). Effect of different training frequencies on maximal strength performance and muscle hypertrophy in trained individuals-a within-subject design. PloS One, 17(10), e0276154.
  8. Ueda, H., Tsuchiya, Y., & Ochi, E. (2020). Fast-velocity eccentric cycling exercise causes greater muscle damage than slow eccentric cycling. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 596640.
  9. Davis, W. J., Wood, D. T., Andrews, R. G., Elkind, L. M., & Davis, W. B. (2008). Concurrent training enhances athletes’ strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22(5), 1487–1502.
  10. Schoenfeld, B. J., Ogborn, D., & Krieger, J. W. (2016). Effects of resistance training frequency on measures of muscle hypertrophy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 46(11), 1689–1697.

Autor: Carles Gregori

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Psychology Student - TAFAD - libreconmilibro.com

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