How to Stretch the Glute with These 4 Practical Exercises

We analyze how to stretch the gluteus. A muscle highly demanded in lower body exercises. We look at how to perform stretches in isolation.

✎ Autor:  Pablo Sánchez

In this article, we will analyze how to stretch the glute, a very important stretch for the lower body.

As we have analyzed on other occasions, training flexibility is very important for our muscle health. However, we must avoid performing passive stretches before strength training because the muscle loses contractile capacity.

Nevertheless, it is important, as we say, to perform specific flexibility training sessions to improve our muscle health.

What is the glute?

The glute muscle is a group of muscles located in the gluteal region of human anatomy. It is composed of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus.

  • The gluteus maximus is the largest and most powerful muscle of the group. It extends from the pelvis to the femur, and its main function is thigh extension. It also helps with external rotation and abduction of the thigh.
  • The gluteus medius is located beneath the gluteus maximus and is responsible for hip abduction, meaning moving the thigh away from the body. It also assists in internal and external rotation of the thigh.
  • The gluteus minimus is the smallest muscle of the group and is located below the gluteus medius. Its main function is hip abduction, as well as internal and external rotation of the thigh.
ℹ In general, the glutes are essential for human posture and movement, especially for walking, running, jumping, and other activities that require strength and stability in the hip and pelvis.

Additionally, these muscles can also help prevent lower back injuries and improve the aesthetics of the human figure.

What is the function of the gluteus maximus?

The gluteus maximus is one of the main hip extensors, which is why it is very important to train it as it acts in movements of our daily life and in many sports actions.

ℹ The main function of the gluteus maximus is hip extension (bringing the leg backward), and a secondary function is external rotation and pelvis stabilization.

A 2014 study observed an increase in the prominence of hip extensors in lower body exercises with high loads, such as the squat or the deadlift, and in explosive sports actions like jumping, sprinting, or changing direction.

The main hip extensors are the gluteus maximus, the long head of the biceps femoris, the semimembranosus, the semitendinosus, and the ischiocondylar portion of the adductor magnus.

However, scientific literature has shown that the main responsible for hip extension is the gluteus maximus, especially in those exercises where there is a simultaneous extension of the hip and knee, where the hamstrings are not sufficiently activated.

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Un completísimo programa para más de 6 meses de entrenamiento. 

Conseguirás potenciar tus glúteos de forma eficiente y estilizar tu figura. 

How to stretch the glute?

There are different ways to learn how to stretch the glute. Below are six options to learn how to stretch the glute efficiently.

How to stretch the glute with the butterfly exercise

Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together and your knees out. Then, bring your feet towards your body and rest your elbows on your knees, gently pushing down to feel the stretch in your glutes.

  1. Sit on the floor with your back straight and the soles of your feet together, letting your knees fall outward.
  2. Keep your feet as close to your body as possible and hold your ankles or feet with your hands.
  3. Inhale deeply and exhale as you lean your body forward from the hips.
  4. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and feel the stretch in the glute and hip muscles.
  5. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the stretch several times.
ℹ When learning how to stretch the glute with this exercise, it is important to keep your back straight throughout the exercise and not to push too hard to avoid injuries.

This stretch can be performed before or after physical exercises or at any time of the day to reduce tension and improve the flexibility of the glute muscles.

how to stretch the glute with the butterfly position
How to stretch the glute with the butterfly position.

How to stretch the glute: specifically the piriformis muscle

Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Then, bend your right knee and place your right foot on the outside of your left knee.

Place your right hand behind your body and twist to the left, pushing your right knee with your left elbow to feel the stretch in the glutes.

To learn how to stretch the glute, specifically the piriformis or pyramidal, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the outside of your left knee.
  3. Place your right hand behind your body and twist your torso to the left, supporting yourself on the floor with your left hand.
  4. Gently push your right knee with your left elbow, keeping your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
  5. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and feel the stretch in the glute muscles.
  6. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the stretch with the other leg.
ℹ When learning how to stretch the glute, it is important not to push the stretch too hard and to maintain slow and steady breathing throughout the exercise.

This stretch can be performed before or after physical exercises or at any time of the day to reduce tension and improve the flexibility of the glute muscles. If you experience pain or discomfort during the stretch, stop and consult a healthcare professional.

piriformis stretch

How to stretch the glute in quadruped position

Get into a quadruped position on the floor, bring your right leg forward, keeping the knee bent and the sole of your right foot on the floor.

Then, move your left hip back and stretch your left leg back to feel the stretch in the glutes of the right leg.

  1. Start by getting into a quadruped position, with your hands and knees on the floor, keeping your hands aligned with your shoulders and knees aligned with your hips.
  2. Then, bring one leg back and place it behind your body, keeping the knee in line with the hip and the foot on the floor.
  3. Next, support your weight on the extended leg and slowly begin to lean forward, keeping your hands on the floor.
  4. Continue leaning forward until you feel a stretch in the glutes of the extended leg. Hold this position for a few seconds, breathing deeply.
  5. To increase the stretch, you can move the extended leg to the side, keeping it in line with the hip and the foot on the floor.
  6. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds and then switch sides to stretch the other glute.

Remember that when learning how to stretch the glute, it is important to maintain deep and steady breathing during the stretch and not to push the position too hard to avoid injuries.

how to stretch the glute

How to stretch the glute against the wall

Sit on the floor with your legs extended and place your right foot against the wall. Then, move your left hip towards the wall and stretch your left leg outward. Hold the position for a few seconds and switch sides.

When learning how to stretch the glute, it is important to perform these stretches with caution and without pushing too hard, and always consult a healthcare professional if you experience pain or discomfort during the exercises.

  1. Stand facing a wall, about 30 cm away.
  2. Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height and place one foot behind you, bending the knee.
  3. Keep the back leg straight and the foot on the floor.
  4. Push the wall with your hands and slide your body down until you feel a stretch in the buttock of the extended leg.
  5. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds and then switch legs.
  6. Perform 3-4 repetitions on each leg.
how to stretch the glute against the wall
How to stretch the glute against the wall.


Learning how to stretch the glute is a crucial aspect of any exercise or training regimen. Not only do they help improve flexibility and mobility, but they are also essential for preventing injuries and relieving muscle pain.

The glutes are one of the largest and strongest muscle groups in the body, and they are responsible for many important functions, such as maintaining proper posture and providing stability and strength in movement. However, due to their constant use in most physical activities, these muscles can become tight and painful if not stretched regularly.

In addition to preventing injuries, if we learn how to stretch the glute, we can also improve sports performance and the quality of movement in daily activities. Strong and flexible glute muscles can enhance the ability to run, jump, lift heavy objects, and walk more efficiently.

ℹ It is also important to highlight that learning how to stretch the glute will be beneficial for anyone, regardless of their fitness level or age. Older adults can especially benefit from glute stretches, as they can help prevent the loss of flexibility and decreased mobility that often come with aging.

In summary, learning how to stretch the glute is an essential part of any exercise regimen. Whether you are looking to prevent injuries, improve your sports performance, or simply stay active and healthy at any age, ensuring you stretch your glutes regularly can have significant benefits for your overall health and well-being.


  1. Baker, P. J., Hapuarachchi, K. S., Ross, J. A., Sambaiew, E., Ranger, T. A. and Briggs, C. A. (2014). Anatomy and biomechanics of gluteus maximus and the thoracolumbar fascia at the sacroiliac joint. Clinical Anatomy 27:234–240
  2. Bazyler, C. D., Sato, K., Wassinger, C. A., Lamont, H. S., and Stone, M. H., (2014) The efficacy of incorporating partial squats in maximal strength training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(11), 3024–3032.
  3. Beardsley, C., and Contreras, B. (2014). The increasing role of the hip extensor musculature with heavier compound lower-body movements and more explosive sports actions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 36(2), 49-55
  4. Amiri-Khorasani, M., & Sotoodeh, V. (2013). The acute effects of combined static and dynamic stretch protocols on fitness performances in soccer players M. Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 54(6), 679–684.
  5. Ashwell, K. (2015). Anatomy of stretching: Visual guide to 50 essential exercises. Madrid: Librero.

Autor: Pablo Sánchez

imagen del autor del artículo

BIO: Physical Education Teacher. Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (UDC). Graduate in Primary Education, mention in Physical Education (UEM). Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching (UDC).

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