Nutritional calculators

BMI calculator

Calculate your body mass index

Basal metabolism

Current basal metabolism.

Ruffier test

Calculate your aerobic endurance

Step test

Max. oxygen consumption

Body fat calculator

Calculate your body fat

Protein calculator

How much protein you need.

Pregnancy calculator

Discover the start of your pregnancy

1RM calculator

Calculate your 1RM.

Calculate metabolic rate

RMR calculator (metabolic rate)

HR calculator

Calculate your heart rate

1RM in squat

1RM calculator for squat

1RM in bench press

1RM calculator for bench press

VO2 max

Maximum oxygen volume.

1RM in deadlift

Your current basal metabolism.

Harris Benedict calculator

Calculate your daily calories

Sleep calculator

Calculate your sleep hours

Apiretal calculator

Care kids with Apiretal doses.

nutritional calculator

If you have ever wanted to improve your diet to lose weight or eat more balanced, you may know the difficulty of trying to find nutritional calculators on the internet.

From Mundo Entrenamiento, we have prepared a list of the best nutritional calculators that calculate BMI, calories, and macronutrients easily to help you achieve your goals.

In addition, we have prepared many other calculators related to health and training that you can see by clicking on each of them.

Without a doubt, these nutritional and fitness requirement calculators will provide you with a practical and quick guide for your workouts if you are looking to know your 1RM in a specific exercise, if you want to know your VO2Max or your Maximum Heart Rate to adjust your training programs.

With each of these nutritional and health calculators, you can use them completely free to improve as an athlete and make the most of your diet or workouts.