Rings in Physical Education

The hoops in Physical Education are a highly valuable resource as they allow for multifaceted work and have a motivating quality. A proposal of exercises with this material is essential in any program.

✎ Autor:  Orlando

The rings in physical education are a widely used material, which, although years ago was practically relegated to the hula hoop, today first with psychomotricity and then with innovation, has enriched sessions with quality motor exercises, usually very fun.

The following exercise proposal is based on several authors and works: Quiroga, M. (2004)1; Cooperative sports games with hoops in physical education 2; Pérez, C. (1998)3; Muñoz, J. (2007)4; Roncero, R. (2017)5; Sánchez, C. (2016)6; Aznar, D7; Hidalgo, P. (2018)8.

Exercises with hoops in physical education

Next, we analyze the hoops in physical education.

Race over 10 hoops in physical education

  • 5 slow and 5 fast
  • 5 fast and 5 slow
  • Same in curve
  • With progressive separation
  • With the hoops in line, 5 together and 5 separated

Throw the hoop to the partner in front trying to put it over their head

The fantastic car

In pairs, one gets inside the hoop and holding it with their hands drives their own car freely through the space. The partner gently holds the hoop and follows the car.

Guide with hoop

In pairs, one closes their eyes and holds onto the hoop that the partner is holding. The guide takes the person who cannot see for a walk. They can converse and communicate.

Group games

  • Throw the hoop with a backward motion, pass it to the end, and the other throws it.
  • When the hoop comes back, we jump over it.
  • Spin the hoop in place and go around the partner’s hoop and return to our place.
  • Placed in a circle (each with a hoop). Spin the hoop and move to the place of the partner on the right. V: left, positioned two places right, left, 3 places right, left, 5…until circling the entire circle.

Cooperative hoops

We move within a space and at the signal, we have to get inside a hoop. It is repeated but removing hoops.

Image 2 hoops in physical education
Image 2. Cooperative hoops. Source: Cooperative sports games with hoops2.


Don’t let the hoops fall in physical education

Several partners stand under a hoop holding it with their heads. They must move without letting it fall.


Image 3 hoops in physical education
Image 3. Cooperative hoops. Source: Cooperative sports games with hoops2.

Reaction speed

In pairs, react to the named number at the highest speed.

Image 4 hoops in physical education
Image 4. Reaction speed. Source: Pérez, C. (1998)3.

Variants: change the position of the hoops in physical education, the quantity, name them by color, mathematical operations (1+2 (you would have to go to 3); go to a number more or less than the result of the operation…).


  • two teams in single file.
  • 3 cones per team
  • the first of each group goes out and has to leave a cone inside a hoop and return to the line, the next player goes out.
  • the goal is to make tic-tac-toe with the cones (there are 9 hoops arranged like squares).
  • if after placing the 3 bibs it is not resolved, the cones of your team can be repositioned
Image 5 hoops in physical education
Image 5. Tic-tac-toe. Source: Roncero, R. (2017)5.

Pass through the hoops

Image 6 hoops in physical education
Image 6. Cooperative hoops. Source: Cooperative sports games with hoops2.

Score in the hoop

Two teams are formed. Each team is positioned in two facing lines with a member in the center holding a hoop high. The game consists of passing a ball from one line to the other, which must pass through the inside of the hoop. When all team members perform the action, the game ends, and it is checked which team finished first.

Image 7 hoops in physical education
Image 7. Score in the hoop. Source: Muñoz, J. (2007)4.

Little jumps

Placed inside a hoop, forming a circle, jump where indicated: right, left, front, back.

The conveyor belt

Groups are formed. Each of them is placed in single file. The game starts when the first in line passes the hoop through their body and passes it to the one behind to repeat the action and so on until it reaches the last, who will run and position themselves first in their line and continue passing the hoop until the one who was first at the start of the game is first in line again.

Advance stepping inside the hoops

The last hoops are taken and placed in front to step inside and advance.

  • individual with two hoops
Image 8 hoops in physical education
Image 8. Advancing with two hoops. Source: Sánchez, C. (2016)6.
  •      individual with more hoops
Image 9 hoops in physical education
Image 9. Advancing with more hoops. Source: Sánchez, C. (2016)6.
  • Advance-teamwork (pairs)
Image 10 hoops in physical education
Image 10. Advancing teamwork. Source: Sánchez, C. (2016)6.
  • Advance-large group: one from the group advances inside the hoops, the others help by placing hoops in front.
Image 11 hoops in physical education
Image 11. Advancing large group. Source: Sánchez, C. (2016)6.

Hoop race-hands held

In teams, they hold hands forming a line. The hoop must be carried from one end to the other, always without letting go of hands. Variants:  perform it forming a circle with the whole group, with several hoops inside

Image 12 hoops in physical education
Image 12. Hoop races-hands held in line. Source: Sánchez, C. (2016)6
Image 13 hoops in physical education
Image 13. Hoop races-hands held whole group. Source: Sánchez, C. (2016)6

Wolves and rabbits

  • Chase game.
  • Several partners play the wolf (it) and must capture the rabbits (free).
  • There are hoops placed on the ground (houses). If a rabbit is at home and another arrives and gets in too, the first must leave it.

Occupied hoop: a team, the attacker, passes the ball by hand and tries to place it inside an unoccupied hoop. The defenders prevent it by putting at least one foot inside. If the defenders manage to seize the ball, they become attackers.

Variant: same but passing the ball only with the foot

Image 14 hoops in physical education
Image 14. Occupied hoop. Source: Aznar, D7.

Reach the other end with rock-paper-scissors

A course of hoops is made connecting one end to the other. Two teams are formed, each with their members in single file at opposite ends.  The first ones go out and where they meet, they play rock-paper-scissors. The loser goes to the end of their group, and the winner continues advancing towards the other team, where the next in line comes out to meet and again r-p-s.

Image 15 hoops in physical education
Image 15. Reach the other end with rock-paper-scissors. Source: Hidalgo, P. (2018)8

8×4 score ball in moving hoop

A group with more players than others where one of its members carries a hoop and another a ball. The goal of the large group is to score a point by throwing the ball and having it pass through the hoop.

The guideline given to the large group is that the ball must be passed quickly, it is not allowed to hold it for a long time, to encourage many passes and for the smaller group to intercept the pass.

Variants are allowed where the large group can change the hoop holder (they can pass it around).

Conclusions about the hoops in physical education

The hoops in physical education have been a material established for quite some time in physical education and have recently acquired a more important role.

It is a not excessively expensive material, with high durability, and allows promoting the development of various physical abilities and motor skills, as well as achieving some of the basic competencies, for example, in those exercises of a more cooperative nature.

Finally, and as part of the educational aspect, it requires students to learn to respect the material because it is an element very prone to loss due to its ease of being thrown.

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Bibliographic references

  1. Quiroga, M. (2004). Notes on the subject Theory and Practice of the Game, U.L.P.G.C.
  2. Cooperative sports games with hoops in physical education. Retrieved on 10/26/2018 from: http://edufisrd.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/1/6/12167778/06-juegos-deportivos-cooperativos-con-aros.pdf
  3. Pérez, C. (1998). New physical preparation systems in football. Publisher: García Maroto Editores.
  4. Muñoz, J. (2007). Didactic unit “Indoor games”. Retrieved on 10/28/2018 from: http://www.efdeportes.com/efd114/unidad-didactica-juegos-de-interior.htm
  5. Roncero, R. (2017).Tic-tac-toe game. Retrieved on 10/28/2018 from: http://miblogdef.blogspot.com/2016/10/juego-tres-en-raya.html
  6. Sánchez, C. (2016). Physical education-games with hoops. Retrieved on 10/28/2018 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK0JhLG5SZc
  7. Aznar, D. Motor warm-up exercises. Abfútbol Magazine 59-72
  8. Hidalgo, P. (2018). Games with hoops-physical education. Retrieved on 10/28/2018 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvul2Jip-_Q