Daily protein calculator


Daily Protein Calculator

The amount of daily protein you need is:

With this daily protein calculator, you can find out how many grams of protein you need to consume daily, based on your physical activity.

How much protein per day?

Let’s start by quantifying the excess of proteins. According to current dietary guidelines, sedentary individuals should consume at least 0.8 – 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to remain functional.

Otherwise, certain pathologies that involve atrophy and loss of strength, such as sarcopenia, could develop over the years.

Protein consumption per day

Consuming enough protein in the diet stimulates muscle protein synthesis, improves recovery, and can also increase lean body mass when combined with strength training. With this daily protein calculator, you can get an idea of how much you need per day.

If your main activity is predominantly aerobic, daily protein requirements will be slightly lower compared to those needed for strength training:

  • Sedentary: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1 x body weight (kg)
  • Light physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1.2 x body weight (kg)
  • Moderate physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1.35 x body weight (kg)
  • Intense physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1.5 x body weight (kg)
  • Very intense physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1.6 x body weight (kg)

On the other hand, if the main focus of your training is strength, protein requirements increase:

  • Sedentary: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1 x body weight (kg)
  • Light physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1.4 x body weight (kg)
  • Moderate physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 1.6 x body weight (kg)
  • Intense physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 2.0 x body weight (kg)
  • Very intense physical activity: Daily protein requirement (g) = 2.2 x body weight (kg)

This adjustment reflects the differences in protein demands according to the type and intensity of physical activity.

How many meals should I distribute the protein in?

Although many people believe they should minimize muscle protein breakdown as much as possible, this process is essential for the proper functioning of the body and, moreover, does not vary as much as is often thought.

In this context, muscle protein synthesis becomes key. Both processes occur simultaneously, but the more synthesis exceeds breakdown, the greater the muscle growth.

If we do not take advantage of opportunities to stimulate protein synthesis throughout the day, we could miss some of its benefits. To keep protein synthesis elevated most of the time and ensure that all the necessary components for the creation of new muscle proteins are available, it is recommended to consume proteins in several meals distributed throughout the day (at least 3 or 4).

However, it is not essential to follow this specific distribution, as the total daily protein amount has a greater impact than its distribution in meals. If it is more convenient for you to consume proteins in two or six daily meals, and it better suits your routine, you will also get good results.